The Crude Life Interview: Wesley Cate, Eco-Energy

October 5, 2019 jasonspiess 0

Wesley Cate, Eco-Energy talks about pipelines as critical infrastructure. Cate explains how pipelines are aging and natural gas has become very important in powering our lives. In addition the ripple natural gas has throughout people’s lives, Cate argues that pipelines should be in the same conversation as roads and bridges. […]

MultiMedia Cafe Episode 161: Big Data and Big Oil

September 8, 2019 jasonspiess 0

Kevin Short, Short Powerline Services, gives the history and evolution of Short Powerline Services from construction to electricians to drones. Short talks about the impact of Big Data in the industry and how we are only scratching the surface of what will come. Short also comments on the challenges in […]

MultiMedia Cafe Episode 153: Low Emission Flares and Waste Gas

August 27, 2019 jasonspiess 0

Andy Smith, CEO, Ashcor, explains their innovation process and clean energy space. Smith also discusses low emission flares and enclosed combustors. The interview dives into problems with waste gas and what can be done. Challenges in flaring, state regulation, EPA and natural gas subsidies are discussed as well. Smith also […]

MultiMedia Cafe Episode 128: ACE in the Hole for Coal?

July 25, 2019 jasonspiess 0

H. Sterling Burnett, Ph.D., The Heartland Institute, gives an overview of the Affordable Clean Energy (ACE) rule and how it impacts coal and natural gas. Innovation, clean energy and the history of wind and solar subsidies are discussed as well. Burnett opines about the “cult of environmentalism” and how it […]

MultiMedia Cafe Episode 114: The Essence of Capitalism

June 22, 2019 jasonspiess 0

Austin F. Jennings III, Energy Exposition, talks about the upcoming Energy Expo, June 25-27, Gillette, WY. Jennings gives an overview of the speakers, sponsors and exhibitors. Drone footage will be recorded this year for future promotions and social media. Jennings also said that Prop 112 in Colorado will be discussed […]

The Crude Life Interview: Mike McMahon, EcoVapor Recovery Systems

February 7, 2019 jasonspiess 0

Mike McMahon, CEO, EcoVapor Recovery Systems, gives an overview of the company and their patented technology. McMahon also gives an update from the oil patch and how EcoVapor Recovery Systems is assisting energy companies. The issue of flaring and gas capturing is discussed as well. McMahon gave the presentation “Flare […]

The Crude Life Interview: Stephen Robbins, Royal Creek Consulting

December 30, 2018 jasonspiess 0

Stephen Robbins, Royal Creek Consulting, gives a boots-on-the-ground update from the Permian shale play. Robbins, discusses the activity, cafe conversations and what his clients are saying about the current state of energy. Robbins consults and interacts with a number of oil and gas professionals and his world’s summarized theme for […]

The Crude Life Interview: Terry Etam, Energy Writer, BOE Report

December 13, 2018 jasonspiess 0

Terry Etam, Energy Writer, BOE Report, talks about potential issues with natural gas. He cites storage and pipelines as two examples of issues on the rise. Alternative and unconventional natural gas technologies are discusses as well. Everything from portable LNG devices to mobile greenhouses are discussed.

The Weekly Word: I am as green as they get

February 6, 2018 jasonspiess 0

Greg Walcher, President of the Natural Resources Group, a consulting firm specializing in energy, water, public lands, forestry and wildlife. In addition, Walcher has served in the Governor’s Cabinet as the head of the Colorado Department of Natural Resources and he also has spent a decade working in the U.S. […]

The Weekly Word: Wet and dry gas, NY fracs and the Marcellus

January 30, 2018 jasonspiess 0

This Weekly Word with Jason Spiess and the professor Stephen Heins hosts Tom Shepstone from Pennsylvania, who is an urban consultant, community planner, researcher and advisor for zoning and land use in the Northeast of the U.S. Shepstone began the conversation by providing a history of the Appalachian Basin over […]

The Crude Life Interview: Continental’s Hulsey talks shipping oil overseas

October 28, 2017 jasonspiess 0

Interview: Blu Hulsey, Senior Vice President of Government Relations and Regulatory Affairs, Continental Resources Continental Resources, Inc. recently announced its first-ever sale of Bakken oil specifically for delivery overseas. Continental Resources has sold 1,005,000 barrels of crude oil for November delivery to Atlantic Trading and Marketing (“ATMI”), which intends to […]