Senators Cramer, McSally Seek Answers With Domestic Energy

June 16, 2020 jasonspiess 0

U.S. Senators Kevin Cramer (R-ND) and Martha McSally (R-AZ) wrote a letter to BlackRock CEO Larry Fink today asking him to explain BlackRock’s support for Chinese companies who ignore US financial regulations and the firm’s hostility toward domestic energy producers. The letter comes ahead of Federal Reserve Chairman Jay Powell’s appearance before the Senate Banking Committee. […]

Diversity, Artificial Intelligence and Turning the Taps Back On

June 16, 2020 jasonspiess 0

Diversity in Energy Aaron Jordan, Black Water Environmental, shares an update from Wyoming’s energy scene. Jordan explains how they have had to diversify themselves during the COVID-19 Shutdown. “We’ve been on sites where we been sequestered where we’ve had to work weird hours and do different kinds of check in […]

Oil Truckers Diversifying Business

June 8, 2020 jasonspiess 0

Zach Ellis, Commercial Credit Group, shares an example of how people in the oil and gas industry are diversifying their services in order to stay keep revenues going. Commercial Credit Group Inc. is an independent, commercial equipment finance company that provides secured loans and leases to small and mid-sized businesses […]

ND Delegation: Reform Clean Air Act

June 7, 2020 jasonspiess 0

Senator John Hoeven sent The Crude Life the following statement after the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed reforming its cost-benefit analysis for new regulations issued under the Clean Air Act to provide more transparency and certainty. The agency is seeking to develop future analyses in a consistent manner that includes […]

Shuck: More than 3 Million Abandoned Wells in US

May 28, 2020 jasonspiess 0

Curtis Shuck, Well Done Foundation, gives some history of the abandon and orphan wells in the United States. Shuck believes his 30 years of oil and gas experience has created an opportunity to create positive endeavors for industry and communities. Many of the wells are on farms or ranches or […]

Light It Up: Will Oil Become Controlled Like Ag?

May 25, 2020 jasonspiess 0

The Crude Life host Jason Spiess joins Genneca for a weekly energy report on The Country Twins morning show. Spiess talks about North Dakota as the latest state to discuss whether the state should get involved with controlling production. Industry’s ideological crossroads of whether to allow government intervention or not […]

Pugliese: One Size Does Not Fit All

May 24, 2020 jasonspiess 0

Mesa County (CO) commissioner Rose Pugliese doesn’t believe one size fits all when it comes to government intervention and local control. Pugliese recently began the public conversation regarding Mesa County being part of the Western and Rural Local Governments Coalition (WRLG), a group of 23 county and municipal governments in […]

Bent: Bitcoin Integrating Into Oil and Gas

May 16, 2020 jasonspiess 0

Marty Bent, Great American Mining Company, explains how new technologies like Bitcoin are being integrated into the oil and gas industry. The recent push against investing in oil and gas has created more demand for alternative investments and currencies in energy economics. New innovations like mining Bitcoin on site is […]

Shepstone: Small Business Important in Oil and Gas, Economy

April 28, 2020 jasonspiess 0

Tom Shepstone,, gives an update on the recent COVID-19 Shutdown and coronavirus impact on the oil and gas industry in the Marcellus Region. Shepstone also goes a bit deeper in his update on the conversations about people living with a taste of socialism. Shepstone responds to the question of […]

The Crude Life Interview: U.S. Senator Kevin Cramer

March 13, 2020 jasonspiess 0

U.S. Senator Kevin Cramer comments on how the coronavirus is impacting the economy and energy activity. Cramer opines how Russia and Saudi Arabia are playing shenanigans with the marketplace, so much Continental Resources chairman Harold Hamm is asking for an anti-dumping investigation. Senator Cramer discusses the rise of environmentalism and […]

The Crude Life Interview: Mike McMahon, EcoVapor Recovery Systems

February 17, 2020 jasonspiess 0

Mike McMahon comments on EcoVapor Recovery Systems celebrating ten years of business in emission management. McMahon discusses some of the issues in flaring, Colorado’s regulatory climate and what is actually captured to avoid the flare. Host Jason Spiess pontificates about shifting some of wind energy’s subsidies to natural gas in […]

Bakken Monthly Production Report and Director’s Cut

February 16, 2020 jasonspiess 0

Corona virus, new drilling techniques, price issues, pipelines and flaring all discussed this month with Lynn Helm’s Director’s Cut. “The drilling rig count was very stable in the mid 60’s for the first half of the year,” Helms said. “Based on oil price, capital availability, and gas capture operators implemented […]

Etam: Climate Activists Pulling Ahead of Petroleum Leaders

February 4, 2020 jasonspiess 0

Terry Etam, author of “The End of the Fossil Fuel Insanity“, writer at the BOE Report and blogger for his blog Public Energy Number One, discusses the rise of environmentalism in energy and economy. Etam, who lives and works in Canada, explains the difference between US energy production and Canadian […]

ND Oil Tops 1.5M Barrels Per Day

December 16, 2019 jasonspiess 0

North Dakota oil producers set another production record in October, pumping an average of more than 1.5 million barrels of crude per day. Natural gas production also set a new record, averaging 3.07 billion cubic feet per day. The official preliminary production figure was 1,517,796 bbl/day, an increase of nearly […]

The Crude Life Interview: Joe Dancy, Energy Educator and Expert

November 6, 2019 jasonspiess 0

Joe Dancy, Associate Director, Southern Methodist University Maguire Energy Institute, gives his thoughts on Energy’s Top Stories, Trends and Issues of 2019. Topics and stories discussed are the renewable push, reclamation advancements, coal, flaring, natural gas, remote drilling, drones and artificial intelligence. Dancy explains why he votes for the California […]

The Crude Life Interview: Jason Marmon, US Energy

October 30, 2019 jasonspiess 0

Jason Marmon, US Energy, gives his background on working in the oil and gas industry, including time with Baker Hughes. Marmon explains how that path lead him to his current non profit US Energy. Marmon describes several projects US Energy is working on or has produced in the past with […]

The Crude Life Interview: Kimberly Wurtz, Ball Morse Lowe

October 13, 2019 jasonspiess 0

Kimberly Wurtz, Ball Morse Lowe, talks about her recent appointment to the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission committee. Wurtz discusses some water issues in oil and gas like water rights and boundaries. The interview also touches on flaring and natural gas subsidies. Wurtz previews a couple upcoming speaker presentations […]