Peckskamp, Young, talk making money in music

August 7, 2017 jasonspiess 0

Interviews: Tom Peckskamp and Charlie Young, Moody River Band Peckskamp and Young talk about making money in the music business and perform live. A four piece ‘Charley Young Band’ becomes ‘the Moody River Band’ in March of 2009 after the addition of Tom Peckscamp as a second songwriter and third […]

Jonas balances being an online yogi-preneur

August 6, 2017 jasonspiess 0

Interview: Ashley Jonas, owner, Jonas talks about how she went from living in her dream home and working the corporate job to shifting gears into being a being a yoga instructor and entrepreneur. She describes what her day looks like and how she has had to develop multiple revenue […]

Should we be looking at rig counts different?

August 3, 2017 jasonspiess 0

Interview: Michael Filloon, Heart Streat LLC Michael Filloon of Heart Street LLC believes the industry needs to start looking at rig rates differently.  In fact, not at all. “Everyone looks at rig rates when they really shouldn’t,” Filloon said. “They should look at completion crews.  They pop those holes in […]

CEO clears up PSC confusion

August 2, 2017 jasonspiess 0

Interview: William Prentice, CEO, Meridian Energy Group Prentice talks about a misunderstanding with the Public Service Commission permit and the Davis Refinery coming to Belfield, ND. He also explains how they are hosting public meetings to engage with the local residents about the refinery.

Bakken may experience a “short squeeze”

August 2, 2017 jasonspiess 0

Interview: Michael Filloon, Heart Streat LLC Filloon speculates whether the Bakken will enter into a short squeeze in the next few months. He also talks about the overall shale plays and how the Bakken will contribute and compete.

An update from the Bakken’s sweet spot, core

August 2, 2017 jasonspiess 0

Interview: Daniel Stenberg, McKenzie County Economic Development Stenberg runs down the latest information involving the community of Watford City, the Bakken and the county’s economy. Stenberg also talks about the school system and how housing has changed over the past 5 years.

Dr. Doom talks Trump Oil

August 2, 2017 jasonspiess 0

Interview: Daniel Fine, director, New Mexico Center for Energy Dr. Daniel Fine talks about Trump Oil and what that means for the United State energy industry as well as Mexico and Canada.  Fine is also referred to as “Dr. Doom” in the energy world.

Slow down in oil seen as a “gift of catchup”

August 1, 2017 jasonspiess 0

Watford City is located in the heart of the Bakken oil fields in North Dakota in McKenzie County. “The past couple of years we really did see the oil industry hit a slowdown and we’ve viewed it as a gift of catch up,” Stenberg said. “This allowed us to build […]

Urias goes from selling dry rub to BBQ Pitmaster champion

July 31, 2017 jasonspiess 0

Interviews: Junior Urias, Up in Smoke BBQ and Pitmaster Champion Urias talks about the organic growth of his business which started as selling dry rubs, to a pull behind smoker to now a brick and mortar restaurant. He also talks about how winning television’s BBQ Pitmaster competition has helped his […]

North Dakota is hiring

July 31, 2017 jasonspiess 0

Interview: Cindy Sanford and Phil Davis, Job Service North Dakota Sanford describes what type of jobs are available across the state of North Dakota. She also gets into oil and gas jobs as well as transportation and construction.

Burgum talks innovation at the well, integration of drones

July 31, 2017 jasonspiess 0

Interviews: ND Gov Doug Burgum and Lt. Gov Brent Sanford Sanford talks about the evolution of decreasing the well costs from $12M to $7M, mostly due to innovation. He also explains how the integration of drones into the oil fields. Burgum explains how the higher education system is changing and […]

Roff describes living in Watford City then and now

July 30, 2017 jasonspiess 0

Interview: Kylee Roff, RoughRider Center Watford City Roff describe the new facility and mentions some of the different events that have been held there. She also shares her observations of living in Watford City from 2012 to present day where the population grew from about 1,500 people to approximately 7,000.

Using 21st century technology in the 21st century

July 25, 2017 jasonspiess 0

  According to Anthony McDaniels, HEAL Corporations, some oil and gas companies are falling behind with updating their well sites. “People are starting to say ‘if I want to be profitable in the 21st century, I have to apply 21st century technology.” McDaniels said. “I can’t just drill 21st century […]

Burbank brings peace, balance to small business

July 24, 2017 jasonspiess 0

Interview: Kristen Burbank, owner, Mojo Fit Studios Burbank shares her experiences as a brick and mortar business owner and what challenges she has seen thus far.  She also explains how her product – yoga – allows her to balance work and family life. Specialty styles of yoga are discussed as […]

Classes offered for aspiring yogi-preneurs

July 24, 2017 jasonspiess 0

Interviews: Ashley Jonas, online entrepreneur, Jonas gives details on yoga education and training sessions for the fall. She also discusses how the practice of yoga is used by many professionals as a tool to achieve goals.

Job Service talks Bakken jobs

July 24, 2017 jasonspiess 0

Interview: Cindy Sanford and Phil Davis, Job Service North Dakota Sanford and Davis talk about what type of jobs are available in the Bakken as well as what type of employee companies are looking for.

Prentice discusses PSC, Davis Refinery

July 24, 2017 jasonspiess 0

Interview: William Prentice, CEO, Meridian Energy Group Prentice talks about a misunderstanding with the Public Service Commission permit and the Davis Refinery coming to Belfield, ND. He also explains how they are hosting public meetings to engage with the local residents about the refinery.

CEO reacts to water permit for Davis Refinery

July 21, 2017 jasonspiess 0

Interview: William Prentice, CEO, Meridian Energy Group Prentice gives an update on the Davis Refinery coming to Belfield, ND. He also reacts to their recent Water Allocation permit granted by the North Dakota Department of Health.

Bakken Conference talks innovation, recycling

July 16, 2017 jasonspiess 0

Interview: Luke Geiver and John Nelson, Bakken Conference and Expo Geiver and Nelson give an overview of topics included during the 3rd Annual Bakken Confernence and Expo, including how to adjust during low oil prices, new innovative well technology and recycling fluids.

Water Draft Permit Given to Davis Refinery

July 16, 2017 jasonspiess 0

Interview: William Prentice, CEO, Meridian Energy Group Prentice gives an update on the Davis Refinery coming to Belfield, ND. He explain the recent ruling by the North Dakota Department of Health involving their water useage for the facility.