Light It Up: Wyoming at Zero Rigs, Leadership Questioned

August 8, 2020 jasonspiess 0

The Crude Life host Jason Spiess joins Genneca with The Country Twins radio network for their weekly conversation about life, liberty and lubricants. The interview began with a discussion about Wyoming’s recent Rig Zero news. Spiess pointed out that this is beyond devastating to the Wyoming local economies. From property […]

Light It Up: Coronavirus and No Bail Out

March 14, 2020 jasonspiess 0

The Crude Life host Jason Spiess joins Genneca for a weekly energy report on The Country Twins morning show. Spiess discusses how the coronavirus is impacting the economy. Stories about toilet paper, bat wing soup, nurses, travel, eating out and working from home are several of the topics discussed under […]