The Crude Life Podcast Episode 44
March 30, 2020
US Senators Kevin Cramer and John Hoeven give an overview of the CARES Act.
Dr. Robert Neilsen, a semi-retired counselor, talks about why he chooses to only have a handful of clients, while focusing more on the non-work related parts of life. He also discusses what it is like to be working in retirement. Although technically retired, Nielsen still works a couple of jobs to stay busy, get a free golf membership and keep active for his overall health.
Matthew Hill, Knight Energy, comments on the recent request from the oil and gas companies asking service companies to cut their prices.
Daily Headlines:
“…This instrument can teach, it can illuminate; yes, and it can even inspire. But it can do so only to the extent that humans are determined to use it to those ends. Otherwise it’s nothing but wires and lights in a box….”
Sponsor: Clark Energy Consulting

Clark Energy Consulting is an advisory firm that provides market research and commentary specifically for investment, consulting, and industry professionals focused in oil & gas. They deliver impact to clients by bringing generational industry experience and insights to the broader industry. They advise on topics ranging from market & growth strategy to investment & risk analysis. Their goal is to develop lasting and rewarding relationships with our customers and friends.
This election year, Clark Energy Consulting is launching a 2020 campaign called “OG Insights” designed to provide regular updates on oil price, current events, and outlooks on the sector via podcast, articles, reports, and briefings. Subscribe for free insights at www.clarkenergyconsulting.com, and stay tuned for more to come!
Featured Event: The Crude Life 2020 March Madness Tournament

The Crude Life 2020 March Madness Tournament Schedule: Elite Eight
Marcellus Region
(1) Swan Energy vs. (2) Knighten Industries
Permian Region
(2) Target Hospitality vs. (9) The Earth’s Champion Johnny Green
Bakken Region
(3) Aries Buildings vs. (9) Elite Energy Services
Powder River Region
(2) Brigade Energy Services vs. (13) K9 Pipe Inspection
The Earth’s Champion Johnny Green’s Eco-Watch: The Great Wind Delusion

The Earth’s Champion Johnny Green (not shown above) has been traveling across the planet cleaning streets, sidewalks, swamps and souls as part of the Clean Your Mind Tour.
Johnny Green is engaging with people from all of Earth’s nations about the eco-realities cell phone usage and environmental energy.
The Greatest Environmentalist on Earth is letting the world know environmentalists have lost their way and Renewables Ain’t Doable Without Fossil Fuelables.
Planet Service Announcement:

Links to Exclusive Interviews:
Dr. Robert Neilsen, retired
The Crude Life Music Crossover: Blind Joe
Studio Sponsor: Hatch Coaching
Phone Line Sponsor: Bakken BBQ
The Crude Life Podcast can be heard every Monday through Thursday with a Week in Review on Friday.
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