The Crude Life Interview: Joe Dancy, energy expert and educator

The Crude Life
The Crude Life
The Crude Life Interview: Joe Dancy, energy expert and educator

Joe Dancy, SMU Spindletop Energy Fund Faculty Advisor, Maguire Energy Institute Professor, gives an update on the global oil market and some Summer 2019 trends.

Dancy also gives an update on several conferences, EXPOs and conventions involving oil and gas. Dancy said the changes in the Bakken were a hot topic as of late, as is flaring. Drill Times, the B-Factor, Texas attending and other observations were fleshed out.

Public relations and engagement is also discussed in detail. From the phrase “huff and puff” to Harry The Dirty Dog, energy’s ability to connect are on the table of discussion.

Renewable energy’s push, the New Green Deal and whether a transition to a green grid is realistic or not.

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