Alma Cook, Cook Compliance Solutions dives into the interview right away about how the industry still has silos and what they look like from an outside perspective.
The Play Hard Work Hard Morning Show also talks about how Alma, a female environmentally minded professional gravitated to industry. She explains how her brother in Thailand was the catalyst for her journey in oil and gas.
Midland Mayor Patrick Payton’s work on the industry’s image is discussed in detail. Alma, who is also a member of the Permian Basin Pipeliners Association, shares some stories about her interaction with the Mayor and work in the Permian. Ashley Smith from Trucker’s Against Trafficking is also mentioned for her work with the creating awareness in regards to Sex Trafficking.

Alma also opines about how the industry needs to do more than sponsor events. They need to engage with people outside the industry.
Climate Tax, oil’s image, ESG, safety and compliance are also topics discussed in the Play Hard segment of the interview.

For sponsorship information on The Crude Life Morning Show Play Hard Work Hard, email studio@thecrudelife.com or click here.
Sponsors, Music and Other Show Notes

Studio Sponsor: The Industrial Forest
The Industrial Forest is a network of environmentally minded and socially conscious businesses that are using industrial innovations to build a network of sustainable forests across the United States.

Weekly Sponsor: KBL Complete Services
From AGM Surveys, ILI tool tracking, ILI Lift support, Dig site Locating, and Equipment Decontamination, to Project Management KBL Complete Services are ready to make your project a success.

Weekly Sponsor: MineralTracker
MineralTracker is the only mineral management software that allows mineral owners to compare actual royalty payments to expected payments based on well performance and a proprietary, Bakken-specific reservoir model built by MineralTracker’s petroleum engineers.
MineralTracker was formed in Watford City, North Dakota, and is a subsidiary of First International Bank & Trust, a family-owned bank also based in Watford City.

Phone Line Sponsor: Swan Energy, Inc. 866.539.0860

Studio Email and Inbox Sponsor: To Be Announced

Featured Music: Moody River Band
For guest, band or show topic requests, email studio@thecrudelife.com
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