Curtis Shuck, Well Done Foundation, gives some history of the abandon and orphan wells in the United States. Shuck believes his 30 years of oil and gas experience has created an opportunity to create positive endeavors for industry and communities.
Many of the wells are on farms or ranches or open prairies. In addition to plugging the wells, it also restores the quarter- to half-acre of land affected by the well. The well is dug below the surface so land can be used for farming or grazing.
The COVID-19 Shutdown, CARES Act and coronavirus impacts are also discussed in relation to fund raising and general operations for current wells that are being shut in.
Shuck said there are over 3 million orphan wells in the Unites States and companies involved could create a Carbon Finance Strategy.
The interview dives into the idea that industry leaders need to be paying attention to this issue as more communities are starting to release health studies relating to orphan and abandon wells. Proactive not reactive.
The Crude Life Podcast can be heard every Monday through Thursday with a Week in Review on Friday.
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