Jason Jennaro, Breakwater Energy Partners gives an update on the largest produced water recycling facility in the Permian Basin.
Their 80-acre facility, known as the Big Spring Recycling System (BSRS), has a throughput capacity of over 250,000 barrels per day of recycled produced water. Located between Howard and Martin counties, BSRS brings several commercial operators together into a central nexus point and concurrently serves them with frac water blends of up to 100% recycled water. The facility also owns or has access to disposal capacity over 100,000 barrels per day.
The interview transitions into the world of ESG – Environmental, Social, Governance. Jennaro explains why he sees this movement influencing the marketplace in new ways industry is not accustom too.
The idea of an intangible product and a tangible product is vetted as a possible analogy for the movement and transition.
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