The Crude Life Morning Show: Play Hard Work Hard Episode 5
Daily Rig Count
source: tradingeconomics.com

HOUR ONE PLAY HARD: Jason Spiess and Sterling are joined by the Permian Basin’s Kate Hornbrook. Kate talks about her new role as the president of Oilfield Connections International – Midland Chapter and the upcoming events.
Click here for Oilfield Connections International Midland Chapter’s website
In addition, sports sports sports are discussed on this Friday edition of Work Hard Play Hard. Kate talks about her affinity towards NHL’s Sidney Crosby while Sterling quizzes Jason on athlete’s nicknames. In return Jason shares some “bar sports” that have turned into legit tournaments and festivals with outhouse races.
News, Rumors and Newspeak
Here are today’s news stories Jason and Sterling bantered about.
Permian ISDs receive $978 million in oil, gas property taxes
Just-released data from the Texas Oil & Gas Association shows the Texas oil and natural gas industry paid $13.9 billion in state and local taxes and state royalties in fiscal year 2020, funds that directly support Texas schools, teachers, roads, infrastructure and essential services, a news release said.
An environmental group claims 70% of Colorado’s greenhouse gas emissions come from oil and gas. But that’s in dispute.
In what is becoming a running skirmish between environmental groups and the Polis administration over how to curb the state’s greenhouse gas emissions, a new analysis calculates that 70% of all the gases come from oil and gas operations and calls for the shutdown of the sector by 2030.
The figures used in the analysis done by 350 Colorado are being disputed by both state air quality regulators and the oil and gas industry.
In HOUR TWO we WORK HARD with our Newsmaker Interview: Mark Watson, the Supervisor for the Wyoming Oil and Gas Conservation Commission.
Mark Watson discussed some projects from this past year including a look into the Orphan Well Program and the Energy Rebound Project. He also talks about the impacts of COVID-19 regulations, the possibility of new regulations, the possible effects of the new administration, and a look into what recovery may have in store for Wyoming Oil and Gas.
Interview by Content Correspondent Genneca Houser

The Crude Life Daily News Update for the Radio on The Podcast
Sponsors, Music and Other Show Notes

Sponsor of the Day: Absolute Energy Field Products and Services

Phone Line Sponsor: Swan Energy, Inc. 866.539.0860

Featured Music: Moody River Band
For sponsorship information on The Crude Life Morning Show Play Hard Work Hard, email studio@thecrudelife.com or click here.
For guest, band or show topic requests, email studio@thecrudelife.com
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