Play Hard Work Hard Episode 20: Senator Cramer Talks Rank Prejudice, Super Bowl Food, Secret Menu Items And A 3-Day Strike Vacation

The Crude Life
The Crude Life
Play Hard Work Hard Episode 20: Senator Cramer Talks Rank Prejudice, Super Bowl Food, Secret Menu Items And A 3-Day Strike Vacation

The Crude Life Morning Show: Play Hard Work Hard Episode 20

Daily Rig Count


HOUR ONE PLAY HARD:  Jason Spiess and Sterling  run down the rules and prizes one more time for the Super Bowl Numbers Board. Super Bowl parties, food and facts are shared in the first segment as well.

Sterling leads a talk on Secret Menu Items that can be found at McDonald’s, In N Out, Burger King, Wendy’s and other popular restaurants. Some examples include Napoleon Shakes at In N Out, a McGangBang at McDonald’s and the Wendy’s Barnyard Burger.

Is the next level or evolution of online videos upon us? The duo pontificated if the genre of Caught on Candid Camera and America’s Funniest Videos will be the next wave of videos dominating the Internet.

Prizes Given For:

Total Time of National Anthem – Chewy Pawz Antler Chews
1Q Score – W.I.C. Tote and Mouse Pad
2Q Score – $100 Gift Card and the book Play For The Person Next To You by Erik “The Awesome Man and Awful Golfer” Hatch. (Nickname inserted by Jason Spiess)
3Q Score – 40-Foot BHA Tape Measure from American Directional Driller
4Q Score – Ariat FR Jacket courtesy of Becker Safety and Supply
Final Score – Annual Sponsorship for The Crude Life

Prizes will be given out at the end of each quarter in Super Bowl LV.

News, Rumors and Newspeak

Biden’s climate change plan and the battle for America’s most threatened workers

America has been here and done this before, with a spotty track record. Steel, timber, manufacturing. Market and political forces have reshaped — and in some cases, wreaked havoc on — local economies powered by a single industry. Now as the Biden administration outlines its climate change policies, one of the more challenging goals is making sure fossil-fuel driven economies, like coal towns from Appalachia to the Illinois Basin, tribal nations and Powder River Basin in the Western U.S., are not left behind.

Click here to read entire article

Cannabis Boom 2.0

In early December, the House passed the Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement (MORE) Act, which would remove marijuana from the Controlled Substances Act.

Click here to read entire article

81-person French orgy broken up for violating COVID-19 curfew

An 81-person orgy at a French warehouse was broken up by police last Friday for violating a coronavirus curfew, a report said.

The sex party in Collegien — about 20 miles outside Paris — also featured booze, sound systems and light installations, the Independent reported.

Click here for entire article

MultiMedia Journalist Jason Spiess (left) with U.S. Senator Kevin Cramer (right).

In HOUR TWO we WORK HARD with our Newsmaker Interview:  U.S. Senator Kevin Cramer

Senator Cramer discusses the difference and similarities with President Joe Biden’s executive orders regarding pipelines, specifically the Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipeline.

He explains the relationship and oversight with the US Army Corps of Engineers with the pipelines and US Waterways.

Taking control of the narrative in the Paris Agreement is talked about in detail with the Senator. He shares his views on climate change and recaps his editorial for Fox News.

State-sponsored rank prejudice against the oil and gas industry while there seems to be a disconnect in Washington D.C. like never before. The comparison to agriculture is made by Jason Spiess in the interview. Spiess contends that the importance of the oil and gas worker being replaced by light switch in the same way the farmer was replaced by the grocery store.

Senator Cramer talks about the idea of a Carbon Free Day as an educational means. Spiess confided with the Senator about some off the record conversations and Podcast after hours talks about an actual oil and gas strike or vacation.

The conversation isn’t to actually strike or vacation, rather, force the mainstream media, daytime talk shows and local communities to have real life conversations about what life would be like without oil and gas employees for three days.

Spiess reiterated this is only from-the-hip and reactive comments from the oil and gas workers due to running out of options and civility against a growing movement to shame and spite lead by the Commander in Chief.

Senator Cramer and Spiess both agree that even if push came to shove, the climate activists know that industry cares too much about community and America to destroy an economy or industry in three days.

The Crude Life Daily News Update for the Radio on The Podcast

Dwayne Ferris, Black Creek K9 Pipeline Leak Detection, served in the United States Marine Corps as a Military Police Officer receiving assignment as a Military Working Dog handler. This experience brought him to the oil and gas industry detecting leaks in pipes with dogs.

To listen to the full length interview

Sponsors, Music and Other Show Notes 

Weekly SponsorOrange Property Management

Weekly SponsorMaxwell’s Restaurant and Bar

Looking to Invest in Oil and Gas? Contact Swan Energy Today!

Phone Line Sponsor: Swan Energy, Inc. 866.539.0860

Album cover Vintage Boom by The Moody River Band

Featured Music:  Moody River Band

For sponsorship information on The Crude Life Morning Show Play Hard Work Hard, email or click here.

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