MultiMedia Cafe Week in Review Episode 230: Watford City and Shale Play USA

The Crude Life
The Crude Life
MultiMedia Cafe Week in Review Episode 230: Watford City and Shale Play USA

Vawnita M Best, City of Watford, discusses the 274% growth in Watford City, ND, the heart of the Bakken oil field.

Best talks about the area’s housing needs, workforce competition, new businesses, educational services and new medical facilities.

The interview also discusses the Prairie Dog Bill, which directs state money to oil and gas producing counties.

Best also talks about her recent panel discussion at the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission.

Mark Bullock, BMA Biotech, talks about their products which are 100% biodegradable within 75-days and reduce risks to health, safety, and the environment. In addition, they are all non-toxic and non-flammable, and are engineered to be diluted with water, prior to use.

Bullock discusses Flow Assurance and Pipeline Remediation solutions. Bullock explains how they have developed a system and product to remove paraffin wax, scale, prevent corrosion, and reduce paraffin deposition after use.

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