MultiMedia Cafe Week in Review Episode 217: Social Media Strategies, Sales Goals and Low Credit Scores

The Crude Life
The Crude Life
MultiMedia Cafe Week in Review Episode 217: Social Media Strategies, Sales Goals and Low Credit Scores

Interview: Sarge Summers, Sarge’s Industry Solutions
Sarge Summers, Sarge’s Industry Solutions, discusses the change in sales and communication methods.

Summers also talks about the sales cycle and how that has reinvented itself with social media and texting

Interview: Kalah Sprabeary, HUB Funding Solutions
Kalah Sprabeary, HUB Funding Solutions, discusses some funding options for people with a credit score of above 700.

Sprabeary explains what to do if you have low credit or need some repair. Factoring, receivables, and purchase order services are talked about as well.

Singer-Songwriter Bumper Music Performances: Tom Peckskamp

The Crude Life Clothing