William Prentice, CEO, Meridian Energy Group, Inc. comments on the North Dakota Supreme Court decision of the North Dakota District Court refusing to overturn the issuance of the air quality Permit to Construct (“PTC”) for the Davis Refinery by the North Dakota Department of Environmental Quality (“DEQ”).
This Decision marks the end of the litigation process with respect to the Davis PTC, which was issued in June, 2018, after a rigorous 18 month review by the DEQ.
Prentice said in issuing the PTC, the DEQ found that the emissions from the Davis Refinery would be substantially below stringent federal standards, and would be monitored to such an extent that the refinery qualified as a Synthetic Minor Synthetic Source. This finding, which has now been confirmed by North Dakota Supreme Court, was a first for a full-conversion refinery and was hailed as “historic” by major industry commentators.
Prentice added the Supreme Court decision is a major milestone in continuing Meridian’s mission – to develop the cleanest and smartest refineries on the planet – and making it a reality.
The Davis design that is the basis for the PTC will result in Davis having total emissions of one-eighth of industry average, and less than one-half of the industry’s GHG emissions.
Prentice also expressed appreciation for the thoroughness and professionalism of the DEQ process, noting, “DEQ, EPA, and public input all contributed to making Davis a better, cleaner project. As a result, the Davis refinery has become the blueprint for future Meridian refinery initiatives and has raised the bar for greenfield projects throughout the industry.”
Construction timelines, ESG certifications, environmental activism and the perception of refineries are also discussed in the interview.
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