Coffee & Capitalism Radio Episode 175: Major Energy Infrastructure, E-Sports and Cleaning Up in the Oil Patch

The Crude Life
The Crude Life
Coffee & Capitalism Radio Episode 175: Major Energy Infrastructure, E-Sports and Cleaning Up in the Oil Patch

Workplace Wellness
Interview: Jared Wipf, District Manager, BOS Solutions
Jared Wipf, District Manager, BOS Solutions, talks about their liquids and solids separation business and how enviro-tech is a driving force behind their innovation.

Energy Economy
Interview: Iain Vasey, President/CEO, Corpus Christi Regional Economic Development Corporation
Iain Vasey, president and CEO, Corpus Christi Regional Economic Development Corporation, talks about the number of economic and infrastructure project happening in the Corpus Christi area, including their push for young entrepreneurs.

Social Media Segment
Interview: Steve Tidwell, Tidwell Industries
Steve Tidwell, Tidwell Industries, talks about his innovative product and how is it one of the ways oil and gas companies are saving money.

Kids and Capitalism
Tyler Jamal Manske, DakNo Gaming Tournament
MultiMedia Kidtrepreneur Otis sits down with Tyler Jamal Manske and discuss the business of e-sports, gaming and hosting tournaments.


Singer-Songwriter Bumper Music Performances: Moody River Band

The Crude Life Clothing