Light It Up: The Shift in Small Business, Energy Economy

The Crude Life
The Crude Life
Light It Up: The Shift in Small Business, Energy Economy

The Crude Life host Jason Spiess joins Genneca with The Country Twin radio network for their weekly conversation about life, liberty and lubricants.

Spiess opines on the $600/week Federal Unemployment expiring and how many people within the oil and gas industry will be impacted.

The interview shifted into the government defining business in a new way. Labeling small business as those under 500 employees is a direct message to the American population that the elected officials view the Los Angeles Lakers, Ruth Chris and Subway as the same as Dixie’s Diner and the Belle Fourche Inn. The placement of franchises in with small business is also discussed.

The weekly segment ends with searching for optimism in the marketplace. While the majority of the news, public officials and social media posts include negativity towards oil and gas, Spiess cites several examples of areas of positivity in industry.

He does warn, however, not everyone is in it together and the majority of the people who are in the media saying things are going to be OK tomorrow or next week are getting paid.

“These appointed officials are getting paid regardless of what happens tomorrow in reality. They have no skin in the game, and once 5pm comes and that whistle blows, they are Fred Flintstone down the dinosaur’s tail. They are done for the day,” Spiess said. “These people are generally appointed leaders and are paid by elected officials and corporations to be rejurgatators, not leaders. I wouldn’t trust them, but you certainly can.”

Spiess continued citing a time when banks favored businesses with government contracts due to the security of payment. This created an environment where banks became very comfortable with businesses who were tied to politicians and government contracts.

This history and context was layered into the CARES Act and PPP controversial where banks were allowed to select who they gave the tax-funded loans to, regardless of whether who they banks chose were impacted or not.

The banks were able to pick and choose who they gave billions too and Spiess believes that should be discussed more in a public forum or format.

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