Is Banning Federal Land Leases Step One to Ban Oil and Gas?

The Crude Life
The Crude Life
Is Banning Federal Land Leases Step One to Ban Oil and Gas?

Kathleen Sgamma, president, Western Energy Alliance, gives a recap of 2020, including election thoughts, building new relationships, COVID shutdown impacts, including the demonstration of how critical the oil and gas industry is for operating the health care industry and being the jump start for economic recovery.

The increase of climate activism is also discussed, specifically in Wyoming and Colorado. Host Jason Spiess asked Sgamma if the attempt to ban federal drilling leases is part of a bigger agenda and is “step one or two” in a blueprint or template to be implemented at a state level. Sgamma believes it is.

Sgamma also comments on the symbolism of president elect Joe Biden’s rhetoric towards oil and gas. Spiess commented that Biden’s actions and words went from an outright ban to using the word transition, which became another example of a leader using “attitude instead of information”.

Rig Count Zero, working with other shale plays, access to executives and public officials as well as an outlook for 2021 are also interview topics.

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