International Investment Increasing More Everyday, Nat Gas Opportunities Everywhere

The Crude Life
The Crude Life
International Investment Increasing More Everyday, Nat Gas Opportunities Everywhere

Imran Khan and Jeremy Pate, Swan Energy, discuss some of the recent natural gas investment activity from Warren Buffet buying pipelines to Mexico’s desire for our gas to Lake Charles, Louisiana.

Natural gas as an investment and energy source is discussed in detail. Khan compares the natural gas energy monetary conversion from the 1990’s as context for modern times.

CNG and LNG are touched on briefly as more investments and innovations see their way into the United States. Khan points out that liquefying natural gas for consumer and commercial use is something the U.S. has fallen behind on.

“The real difference between CNG and LNG is that LNG is just more compressed. But from a fueling standpoint, honestly, the U.S. we are kinda more into gasoline and obviously electricity is becoming bigger, what is it like 1% of the market now,” Khan said.” But CNG vehicles are used in Europe and South America. Basically there are switches on vehicles that switch through the different types of fuels so you are able to use whatever type of fuel you need.”

The expansion of facilities, increase interest from foreign markets and innovation advancements are cited, among others, as examples of natural gas being more of a foundation fuel than a transition or archaic fuel.

The interview transitions into international investments happening in the industry right now.

“I think it is very telling right now with all the foreign capital that is flying around towards investments here in the U.S., or even generally speaking towards oil and gas investments,” Pate said. “I think that it is telling that oil and gas isn’t going anywhere. Regardless of what the major news outlets and media sources here in the United States may try to portrait and I think the world has a better view of the direction oil and gas than we do here in our country.”

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