Brett Chell, President and CEO, Cold Bore Technology gives an overview of what Cold Bore Technology is and does. The two discuss how all the moving parts on a well pad is very similar to a small city.
Chell explains how his technology allows the different parts of the well site to communicate in real time creating opportunities for savings and efficiencies.
The authenticity of ESG and Technology are discussed in detail. Whether companies have those services and/or behaviors or whether they are just a product of a brainstorming session with a marketing team.
Chell also explains how understanding your business’ intentions is critical when integrated technology due to the seemingly unlimited potentials involved.

About The Crude Life
The Crude Life produces original content that focuses on industry, the people, energy innovations, community building and it’s proactive culture. Our custom content is non-polarizing, trusted and often news making.
The Crude Life promotes a culture of inclusion and respect through interviews, content creation, live events and partnerships that educate, enrich, and empower people to create a positive social environment for all, regardless of age, race, religion, sexual orientation, or physical or intellectual ability.
Part of our mission is to enable people, companies and communities to affect change, demonstrate their transformative actions and drive energy awareness through storytelling and access to resources.

For sponsorship information on The Crude Life Morning Show Play Hard Work Hard, email studio@thecrudelife.com or click here.
Sponsors, Music and Other Show Notes

Studio Sponsor: The Industrial Forest
The Industrial Forest is a network of environmentally minded and socially conscious businesses that are using industrial innovations to build a network of sustainable forests across the United States.

Weekly Sponsor: Rough Rider Center
The Rough Rider Center is a world class facility designed to enhance the quality of life in McKenzie County and serve the needs of the local community, region and state with athletic facilities, meeting and convention spaces and related services.
The 268,000 sq. ft. multipurpose facility provides numerous spaces for athletic programs, sporting events, meetings, conventions, expos, entertainment and special events, educational opportunities and workforce development.
The Rough Rider Center is owned by the City of Watford City and managed and operated by the Watford City Park District. Watford

Weekly Sponsor: MineralTracker
MineralTracker is the only mineral management software that allows mineral owners to compare actual royalty payments to expected payments based on well performance and a proprietary, Bakken-specific reservoir model built by MineralTracker’s petroleum engineers.
MineralTracker was formed in Watford City, North Dakota, and is a subsidiary of First International Bank & Trust, a family-owned bank also based in Watford City.

Phone Line Sponsor: Swan Energy, Inc. 866.539.0860

Studio Email and Inbox Sponsor: To Be Announced

Featured Music: Moody River Band
For guest, band or show topic requests, email studio@thecrudelife.com
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