ND Agriculture Commissioner and Industrial Commission member Doug Goehring just landed this week from a successful mission in Qatar and Turkey.
The mission was intended to build relationships with Qatar and Turkey that started during the pandemic to create a lasting footprint for the future.
“North Dakota is experiencing growing opportunities in multiple sectors,” says Commissioner Goehring. “It is a privilege to emphasize all North Dakota has to offer the global marketplace.”
While in Turkey, connections were made with the Ministry of Trade, Office of the Turkish Commercial Attaché of Energy, T.C. Sanayi ve Teknoloji Bakanlığı | Republic Of Turkey Ministry of Industry and Technology, and Ministry of Trade, Turkey.
Other prominent business meetings were held with energy, agriculture, and technology leaders. Both ND and Turkish businesses shared ideas on how to best partner for the future on a variety of projects.
Meetings with government officials from the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Turkey, Free Trade Zones Authority, Qatar Investment Authority, the Ministry of Municipality and Environment, Qatar, and Qatar Stock Exchange. Qatari business people with agriculture, energy, and technology expertise welcomed the ND delegation throughout the week of meetings.
The meetings focused on the exciting things happening in the state across several industries, as well as the many opportunities for partnership that will increase synergy between ND and Qatar.
Long active in farm organizations, Commissioner Goehring has served as vice president of the NORTH DAKOTA FARM BUREAU and is a member of the NORTH DAKOTA STOCKMEN’S ASSOCIATION, the NORTH DAKOTA GRAIN GROWERS ASSOC, the North Dakota Soybean Growers Association, the North Dakota Corn Growers Association and the NACD (National Association of Corporate Directors). An early supporter of agriculture-based, renewable fuels, he is an investor in the RED TRAIL ENERGY LLC-MEMB UN Ethanol Plant at Richardton.

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The Crude Life produces original content that focuses on industry, the people, energy innovations, community building and it’s proactive culture. Our custom content is non-polarizing, trusted and often news making.
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Sponsors, Music and Other Show Notes

Studio Sponsor: The Industrial Forest
The Industrial Forest is a network of environmentally minded and socially conscious businesses that are using industrial innovations to build a network of sustainable forests across the United States.

Weekly Sponsor: Rough Rider Center
The Rough Rider Center is a world class facility designed to enhance the quality of life in McKenzie County and serve the needs of the local community, region and state with athletic facilities, meeting and convention spaces and related services.
The 268,000 sq. ft. multipurpose facility provides numerous spaces for athletic programs, sporting events, meetings, conventions, expos, entertainment and special events, educational opportunities and workforce development.
The Rough Rider Center is owned by the City of Watford City and managed and operated by the Watford City Park District. Watford

Weekly Sponsor: MineralTracker
MineralTracker is the only mineral management software that allows mineral owners to compare actual royalty payments to expected payments based on well performance and a proprietary, Bakken-specific reservoir model built by MineralTracker’s petroleum engineers.
MineralTracker was formed in Watford City, North Dakota, and is a subsidiary of First International Bank & Trust, a family-owned bank also based in Watford City.

Phone Line Sponsor: Swan Energy, Inc. 866.539.0860

Studio Email and Inbox Sponsor: To Be Announced

Featured Music: Moody River Band
For guest, band or show topic requests, email studio@thecrudelife.com
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