Social Media Segment
Interview: Randy Christmann, North Dakota Public Service Commissioner
Christmann talks about the East/West divide in North Dakota and how leaders should approach that issue in today’s wired world.
Energy Economy
Interview: Mary Anderson, ABLE, and Monte Besler, FRACN8R Consulting,
Anderson and Belser describe how the social program ABLE allows professionals, like Belser, to work and support a family with special needs children.
Small Business USA
Interview: Rex Tucker, Compliance Cavalry
Tucker describes the frac sand industry and how everyone cut prices over the past three years – everyone but the railroad that is.
Interview: David Williams, CEO, Missouri River Resources
Williams explains the working relationship with San Juan School of Energy and the MHA Nation. Through this partnership Native Americans are able to obtain degrees in energy development like lease management.
Singer-Songwriter Bumper Music Performances: Moody River Band