Coffee & Capitalism Radio Episode 166: Drug Testing, Ultra-Batteries, Dairy Cows and an Album Release

The Crude Life
The Crude Life
Coffee & Capitalism Radio Episode 166: Drug Testing, Ultra-Batteries, Dairy Cows and an Album Release

Workplace Wellness
Interview: Vicky Schmidt, Schmidt & Associates
Schmidt runs down some of the current drug issues in the workplace. From what kind of drugs companies are testing to ways people are trying to trick the tests to what is popular among users.

Energy Economy
Interview: Justin Godsey, e-On Batteries
Godsey explains his professional transition from oil and gas to solar power to high-storage batteries to block chain and how they all now tie together.

Social Media Segment
Interview: Tom Peckskamp, Moody River Band
Peckskamp talks about their CD release party and how their CD is based on a controversial topic of one of their band members dying of a drug overdose.

Small Business USA
Interview: David Hange, Red Bullet Farms, LLC
Hange discusses somes of the ins and outs of the dairy cow business.

Singer-Songwriter Bumper Music Performances: Moody River Band

The Crude Life Clothing