Eneregy Economy
Interview: Joe Dancy, Oil & Gas, Natural Resources, and Energy Center, U. of Oklahoma
Joe Dancy, Oil & Gas, Natural Resources, and Energy Center, U. of Oklahoma talks about the UAS (drone) industry and how it is impacting the energy industry. Dancy explains how many of the energy companies are using UAS technology and what they are talking about.
Interview: Justin Kringstad, North Dakota Pipeline Authority
Justin Kringstad, North Dakota Pipeline Authority, gives an update on crude oil and natural gas in the Bakken. From pipelines to rail cars, Kringstad explains the current market and what 2019 looks like.
Community Building
Interview: Robert Smith, NOV Wellstream Processing
Robert Smith, NOV Wellstream Processing, describes the frac sand industry as well as salt water tank disposals. Innovation in frac sand is discussed as well, included the sand trap – “unsung hero”.
Social Media Segment
Interview: Tony Waswick, Fully Loaded Wrestling
Tony Waswick, Fully Loaded Wrestling, describes how to make money in the professional wrestling business and what types of venues works for a small regional company.
Singer-Songwriter Bumper Music Performances: Moody River Band