Interview: Fred Fox, Councilman and Executive Secretary, MHA Nation
Fox gives an update on rig counts, well heads and what the future looks like for Missouri River Resources, a Native American owned oil and gas company.
Fox also talks about how the energy revolution has created an opportunity for Native Americans to empower generations with an energy economy.
Fox is Councilman and Representative from White Shield East Segment. As a councilman, he is Chairman of the Judicial Committee/Human Resources and a member of tribes’ Natural Resources; Economic Development; and Education Committees.
In 2012, Fox was elected to his position as White Shield Representative with a majority vote, one of only a few Tribal candidates won their election by a majority vote. In 2016, Fox was elected without opposition.
Fred has worked with the tribe for 18 years. His work experience includes administrator of the Three Affiliated Tribes Energy Department; administrator for National Resources and Director of Water Resources for the Tribe.
Currently, he oversees programs in the White Shield Segments.
Fox serves his 3rd term of six years as White Shield School board president. He serves on the Board of Directors of the Thunder Butte Refinery; MHA Systems; Justice Commission and White Shield School Board of Directors. He is a member of the Young Hawk/Bear Legion Post 253 and is Whistle Carrier. Fox is a member/Whip Carrier of Dead Grass and Old Scouts Society.
Fox is a veteran and served in the United States Navy and was stationed on the USS Nimitz & USS Clifton Sprague for four years.