Weekly Davis Refinery Update
Interview: William Prentice, CEO, Meridian Energy Group
William Prentice, Meridian Energy Group, gives a Year in Review for the Davis Refinery. The Davis Refinery which is being designed with a throughput capacity of 49,500 bpd of Bakken crude oil. Oil refining facilities that are designed to, or capable of, processing 50,000 bpd or more of crude oil fall under the PSC’s siting jurisdiction.
Energy Infrastructure
Interview: Dr. Loren C. Scott, speaker, energy expert and economist
Dr. Loren C. Scott, Loren Scott & Associates, believes the natural gas industry will see an uptick next year as more pipelines and infrastructure are completed. Currently there is a pipeline bottleneck in natural gas.
Energy Economy
Interview: Dr. Loren C. Scott, speaker, energy expert and economist
Dr. Loren C. Scott, Loren Scott & Associates, believes 2019 is looking better for drillers, however, price will dictate the ultimate outcome. In natural gas, Mexico’s appetite to purchase natural gas and the movement away from coal are two signs for more natural gas involvement in 2019.
Small Business USA
Kevin Black, Creedence Energy Services
Kevin Black, Creedence Energy Services, gives a recap of his 2018 and their incredible growth. Creedence has grown from about 15 employees to nearly 50 in the past year, according to Black.
This week’s singer-songwriter spotlight: Blind Joe performs Christmas Music