Weekly Davis Refinery Update
Interview: William Prentice, CEO, Meridian Energy Group
William Prentice, Meridian Energy Group, talks about the “new normal” in energy construction, citing his experience with the Davis Refinery. The Davis Refinery which is being designed with a throughput capacity of 49,500 bpd of Bakken crude oil. Oil refining facilities that are designed to, or capable of, processing 50,000 bpd or more of crude oil fall under the PSC’s siting jurisdiction.
Energy Communities and Culture
Interview: Michelle Kommer, North Dakota Labor Commissioner
Michelle Kommer, North Dakota Labor Commissioner, discusses a workforce study and how it impacts the Bakken oil field.
Energy Communities and Culture
Interview: Michelle Kommer, North Dakota Labor Commissioner
Michelle Kommer, North Dakota Labor Commissioner, explains how a 40-year-mindset in college education should be reevaluated.
Small Business USA
Interview: Matthew Boucher, CEO, Clock Spring
Matthew Boucher, CEO, Clock Spring, explains their rise in the marketplace and a new product in development they are currently working on.
This week’s singer-songwriter spotlight: Moody River Band