Weekly Davis Refinery Update
Interview: Dan Hedrington, SEH
Dan Hedrington, SEH, gives an update on the Davis Refinery and their Permit To Construct issued from the North Dakota Health Department. Hedrington also talks about future projects timelines.
Interview: Troy Schrenk, Chief Commercial Officer, Target Lodging
Troy Schrenk, Chief Commercial Officer, Target Lodging, talks their five Bakken lodging camps.
Energy Communities and Culture
Interview: Troy Schrenk, Chief Commercial Officer, Target Lodging
Troy Schrenk, Chief Commercial Officer, Target Lodging, shares Target Lodging’s other locations in shale plays across the U.S., primarily discussing the Permian Basin and the lodging strategy there.
Shale Play USA
Interview: Kathy Neset, NESET
Kathy Neset, NESET, explains why Neset Consulting changed their name and why they have expanded their services into UAS.
Kids and Capitalism
Interview: MultiMedia Kidtrepreneur Otis and Juan Merlo, CNBC
MultiMedia Kidtrepreneur Otis talks with Juan Merlo about first jobs and entrepreneurial opportunity.
This week’s singer-songwriter spotlight: Moody River Band