Building the Bakken Episode 285: Davis Refinery, Fracking, Mergers and Cyclonic Sand Separators

The Crude Life
The Crude Life
Building the Bakken Episode 285: Davis Refinery, Fracking, Mergers and Cyclonic Sand Separators

Weekly Davis Refinery Update
Interview: William Prentice, CEO, Meridian Energy Group
William Prentice, Meridian Energy Group, shares an update on the the Davis Refinery. The Davis Refinery which is being designed with a throughput capacity of 49,500 bpd of Bakken crude oil.

Energy Economy
Interview: Chris Cottrell, Paul Hastings, LLP
Chris Cottrell, Paul Hastings, LLP, argues against a Wall Street Journal article’s idea that 2019 will be a down year for oil and gas. Cottrell explains how the energy industry needs to reinvent how they assess value on energy companies.

Energy Economy
Interview: Chris Cottrell, Paul Hastings, LLP
Chris Cottrell, Paul Hastings, LLP, predicts that 2019 will be a moderate year for Merger and Acquisition activity in the oil and gas industry. Small to mid-size companies are projected to be prime for being bought, merging or going out of business.

Shale Play USA
Interview: Chase Broussard, DealMakers
Chase Broussard, DealMakers, explains how his cyclonic sand separator works in the oil patch.

This week’s singer-songwriter spotlight: Brooks West

The Crude Life Clothing