Davis Refinery Update
Interview: Edward Martinez, president and CEO, Zia Engineers and Environmental Consulting
Martinez explains how the Davis Refinery’s technology and design are different than previous refineries built in the United States. He also believes the claim that the Davis Refinery will be the cleanest refinery built on the planet.
Energy Economy
Interview: Blu Hulsey, Senior Vice President of Government Relations and Regulatory Affairs, Continental Resources
Hulsey talks about Continental Resources’ involvement in the Bakken, Scoop and Stack plays, as well as how the company has become more efficient in during the downturn.
Energy Communities
Interview: Justin Kringstad, director, North Dakota Pipeline Authority
Kringstad gives an overview of his presentation at the Western Dakota Energy Association’s annual meeting and describes the refrac process in the Bakken. He also shares information from Whiting and Marathon’s year of refracs.
Interview: Peter Kearl, managing partner, QMast, Grand Junction, CO
Kearl talks about his microwave fracking invention and how it is working in refracs within shale play USA.