Building the Bakken Radio Episode 216: Clean energy, natural gas, National Geographic and specialized workforce

The Crude Life
The Crude Life
Building the Bakken Radio Episode 216: Clean energy, natural gas, National Geographic and specialized workforce

Current Energy
Interview: Tessa Sandstrom
Sandstrom gives details about the upcoming annual North Dakota Petroleum Council’s annual meeting being held in Grand Forks, ND. She also names several oil companies who have given their time and resources to help those in Texas impacted by Hurricane Harvey and their clean up effort.

Davis Refinery Update
Interview: William Prentice, CEO, Davis Refinery and Meridian Energy Group
Prentice talks about how the hurricanes in the southern US is a wake up call for the energy industry and its infrastructure. He talks about how spread out refineries across the US will increase America’s energy security.

Energy Economy
Interview: Jordan Hughey, TEG Solutions
Hughey discusses how glycol is used in the Bakken and other shale plays. He also gives an overview of what shale plays TEG Solutions are in.

Interview: Stephen Heins, energy columnist
Heins opines on the change in editorial direction in National Geographic, specifically on their peice on Williston, ND, titled “Fracking Hell”.

Energy Communities
Interview: Justin Kringstad, director, North Dakota Pipeline Authority
Kringstad talks about specialized workers, refinery logistics and what conversations industry is having due to the hurricane impacts in the southern US.

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