Bitcoin Billionaire & Independent Presidential Candidate Brock Pierce Talks Energy Policy, Innovation and Blockchain

The Crude Life
The Crude Life
Bitcoin Billionaire & Independent Presidential Candidate Brock Pierce Talks Energy Policy, Innovation and Blockchain

Entrepreneur Brock Pierce is running for president as an Independent in 2020. Pierce, who is also known for being a number of things like a former child actor and a Bitcoin Billionaire, discussed his energy platform and how innovation is impacting the oil and gas industry.

Pierce believes technology is impacting every industry, especially energy, and new leadership is needed in Washington. Big data and artificial intelligence are given as examples of something that can take on a whole new world, real fast.

According to Pierce the coal industry can be revived and saved through carbon capturing and introducing more innovation and less politicization.

He also believes we are currently in the 4th Industrial Revolution and new lifestyles and technologies will emerge, takeover and stick around. Pierce cited our transition from gold to coal to oil to data as a way to understand how commodities control economies which control societies.

To learn more about Brock Pierce’s presidential campaign, click here.

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