MonDak OilField Review: July 22

July 22, 2015 jasonspiess 0

  Wednesday 7/22 Interview: Robert Bryce, senior fellow, Manhattan Institute, Austin TX Talks about the M&A rumors and how low oil prices may impact energy M&As for 2016.

MonDak OilField Review: July 21

July 21, 2015 jasonspiess 0

  Tuesday 7/21 Interview: Dr. Loren Scott, president, Scott & Associates Explains how the Bakken is involved with $100B in petrochemical expansion announced in Lake Charles, LA area.  

MonDak OilField Review: July 20

July 20, 2015 jasonspiess 0

An update from the Bakken Shale play. Monday 7/20 Interview: Dr. Loren Scott, president, Scott & Associates Dr. Scott talks about why the price of oil trades at a global price while natural gas is all over the board.

MonDak OilField Review: July 14

July 14, 2015 jasonspiess 0

An update from the Bakken Shale Play, Tuesday 7/14 Interview: Kim Montgomery, Sandstone Trucking and pitmaster for R360 Ribs the “big wigs” and executives of industry by explaining how the pitmasters spend days cooking BBQ.

MonDak OilField Review: July 13

July 13, 2015 jasonspiess 0

An update from the Bakken Shale Play, Monday 7/13 Interview: Kim Montgomery, Sandstone Trucking and pitmaster for R360 Talks about rib preparation and what kinds of sides they serve down south in Mississippi.

It’s BBQ Season

July 11, 2015 jasonspiess 0

For those who have been following the Bakken oil activity over the past several years know that BBQs are more than events, they are experiences. Whether it is the annual MBI Bakken BBQ or the Bakken Rocks CookFest, the bravado and community spirit seem to come out of the woodwork […]

MonDak: June 12, 2015

June 14, 2015 jasonspiess 0

Interview: Nicole Schuler, Executive Director, Baker Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture Schuler talks about the Keystone Pipeline and the potential for a 1000 person crew camp.

Building the Bakken Radio Episode 89: Temporary housing

April 7, 2015 jasonspiess 0

Interviews: Dean Bangsund and Nancy Hodor, NDSU, authors of the Oil Impact Study Building the Bakken Radio Episode 89 Segment 4: Business of the Bakken To listen to Building the Bakken Radio Episode 89 Segment 4, click here Bangsund and Hodor discuss NDSU’s recent study about the impact of oil in […]

Building the Bakken Radio Episode 89: Carbon Capture

April 7, 2015 jasonspiess 0

Interview: Thomas Erickson, Director of Energy and Environment  Research Center, Grand Forks, ND Building the Bakken Radio Episode 89 Segment 3: Research and Development To listen to Building the Bakken Radio Episode 89 Segment 3, click here Erickson talks about the EERC’s efforts regarding carbon capture and sequestration and how […]

Building the Bakken Radio Episode 89: Water Worries

April 7, 2015 jasonspiess 0

Interview: Doug Goehring, North Dakota Agriculture Commissioner Building the Bakken Radio Episode 89 Segment 2: Natural Resources To listen to Building the Bakken Radio Episode 89 Segment 2, click here Water from the Red and Sheyenne rivers can cause problems for residents in North Dakota. Goehring talks about a potential […]

Building the Bakken Radio Episode 89: Oil residual zones

April 7, 2015 jasonspiess 0

Interview: Matthew Burton Kelly, Energy and Environment Research Center Building the Bakken Eipsode 89 Segment 1: Current Engery To listen to Building the Bakken Radio Episode 89 Segment 1, click here Kelly talks about the differences between conventional and residual oil wells.

Building the Bakken Radio Episode 88:

March 31, 2015 jasonspiess 0

Interview: Dean Bangsund and Nancy Hodur, NDSU’s research team behind the Oil Impact Study for the Bakken Building the Bakken Radio Episode 88: Business of the Bakken To listen to Building the Bakken Radio Episode 88 Segment 4, click here Bangsund and Hodur talk about NDSU’s Bakken study, and the effects it […]

Buiding the Bakken Radio Episode 88: Micro Refineries

March 31, 2015 jasonspiess 0

Interveiw: Lynn Helms, director of North Dakota Department of Mineral Resources Buiding the Bakken Radio Episode 88: Shale Plays To listen to Building the Bakken Radio Episode 88 Segment 2, click here Jason Spiess interviews Lynn Helms about micro refineries in the Bakken.

MHA Nation Entering Energy Empowerment

March 25, 2015 jasonspiess 0

The last couple of years have been a wild ride for David Williams,CEO, Missouri River Resources and the MHA Nation as they embark into new frontiers within the energy industry. “In the last couple of years we went from a very basic start up company to now where we are […]

Feeling paralyzed by oil prices? Try giving back

February 20, 2015 jasonspiess 0

These days it seems you can’t pick up a newspaper or turn on a radio without hearing about lawmakers, policies and tax codes relating to the Bakken oil fields.  There are many folks these days related to oil and gas scrambling, recalculating and dealing with reality. This reality of volatile […]

The next decade could bring a CORN-acopia of energy options

February 14, 2015 jasonspiess 0

Recently I sat down with Tom Lilja, executive director, North Dakota Corn Growers Association, to chew the fat on a variety of corn-themed energy and agriculture topics. The first topic of discussion was distribution.  The part of a business model 99% of business folk overlook.  How to get your product […]

From Seed to Sun, Ag and Energy Have Always Worked Together

February 1, 2015 jasonspiess 0

The relationship between agriculture and energy has been around since the dawn of industry, if not mankind. However it’s how that relationship coexists that determines how it is defined. Sometimes they work together, sometimes they are in competition. To say one industry is more powerful than the other is like […]

North Dakota Electric Linemen Recognized on House Floor

February 1, 2015 jasonspiess 0

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today Congressman Kevin Cramer recognized the volunteer efforts of two North Dakota electric linemen on the floor of the House of Representatives. Jody Bruce of Minot and Josh Hoffman of Carrington traveled to Haiti to help provide electricity in the community of Caracol. In addition to recognizing them […]

MonDak OilField Review: January 9

January 9, 2015 jasonspiess 0

  Friday January 9, 2015 Interview: Steve Holen, superintendent, McKenzie County Public School District No. 1 (Watford City) Holen talks about the need for funding in western North Dakota, including Watford City.  He also talks about the challenges with construction and school, including children going outside to a separate bathroom […]

MonDak OilField Review: January 8

January 8, 2015 jasonspiess 0

Thursday January 8, 2015 Interview: Justin Kringstad, director, North Dakota Pipeline Authority Kringstad talks about the resizing of pipelines in North Dakota.  All pipelines put in after 2007 need to be resized.  Kringstad this primarily has to do with the amount of production and resources the Bakken is providing.

MonDak OilField Review: January 7

January 7, 2015 jasonspiess 0

  Wednesday January 7, 2015 Interview: Doug Goehring, North Dakota Agriculture Commissioner Goehring talks about the emerging UAS (drone) industry coming to North Dakota. He shares his experience in working with UAS technology in agriculture and how it will be used in the Bakken’s oil field.

MonDak OilField Review: January 6

January 6, 2015 jasonspiess 0

Tuesday January 6, 2015 Interview: Lynn Helms, director, North Dakota Department of Mineral Resources Helms discusses the impact of natural gas in the Bakken.  From ONEOK, Hess, North Dakota LNG to Cenex Harvest Station (CHS), the Bakken’s wet gas is changing energy companies’ business plans and bottom lines.

MonDak OilField Review: January 5

January 5, 2015 jasonspiess 0

MonDak OilField Review: Monday January 5, 2015 Interview: Ron Ness, president, North Dakota Petroleum Council Ness talks about whether North Dakota will surpass two million barrels per day in 2015.  In May, many oil experts predicted two million barrels in 2015, however, with oil prices demonstrating volatility there is are […]

Kevin Cramer

Grand Forks Named First UAS Test Site in the Nation

January 1, 2015 jasonspiess 0

BISMARCK, N.D. – Today Congressman Kevin Cramer announced FAA Administrator Michael Huerta signed a certificate of authorization making Grand Forks the first unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) research and test site in the nation. Cramer released the following statement: “This distinction speaks for itself. Becoming the first test site in the nation […]

America’s Shale Gale

October 30, 2014 jasonspiess 0

One of the more exciting stories being extracted from the modern day shale play is natural gas.  Although volumetrically it doesn’t compare to the crude, the natural gas plays are creating a culture of innovation that will completely transform how people live their daily lives.  Many energy experts and professionals […]

Energy Policy Special: ND Tax Commissioner Candidate

October 29, 2014 jasonspiess 0

Interviews: Jason Astrup “There is no doubt that North Dakota is in the midst of an unprecedented transformation that has proven valuable to the state and its citizens in many ways,” Lee Tillman, president and CEO, Marathon Oil said at the Williston Basin Petroleum Conference. The recent energy surge in […]

Bakken Energy Special: ND Ag Commissioner Candidate Doug Goehring

October 29, 2014 jasonspiess 0

Interviews: Doug Goehring “As we look ahead, the 2015 legislative session will be critical and we’re eager to work with the state’s elected leaders in Bismarck,” Lee Tillman, president and CEO, Marathon Oil said at the Williston Basin Petroleum Conference. “We need the support of the legislature for critical infrastructure […]

Energy Policy Special: ND Ag Commissioner Candidate Ryan Taylor

October 29, 2014 jasonspiess 0

Interviews: Ryan Taylor “As we look ahead, the 2015 legislative session will be critical and we’re eager to work with the state’s elected leaders in Bismarck,” Lee Tillman, president and CEO, Marathon Oil said at the Williston Basin Petroleum Conference. “We need the support of the legislature for critical infrastructure […]

Bakken Energy Special: Tax Commissioner

October 26, 2014 jasonspiess 0

Interviews: Jason Astrup, Ryan Rauschenberger and Anthony Mangnall. “There is no doubt that North Dakota is in the midst of an unprecedented transformation that has proven valuable to the state and its citizens in many ways,” Lee Tillman, president and CEO, Marathon Oil said at the Williston Basin Petroleum Conference. […]