MonDak OilField Review: August 27

August 27, 2015 jasonspiess 0

Thursday 8/27 Interview:  Travis Jordan, president, MT Rig Mat, Charlo, MT Jordan compares the old rigs with the walking rigs and how oilfield matting works with the new generation of oil.  

When will the rigs come back?

August 26, 2015 jasonspiess 0

There are two interviews over the past four years that stand out when thinking about the big picture in oil and gas trends.  Signs and indicators, if you will, to determine whether Big Oil will stick around or whether they are going to pack up and move to another shale […]

MonDak OilField Review: August 25

August 25, 2015 jasonspiess 0

Tuesday 8/25 Interview:   US Congressman Kevin Cramer (R-ND) Cramer opines on the US Crude Oil Export Ban. He believes lifting the ban would create new economic activity in the borders of the US while positioning the US as a player in the global energy marketplace.

MonDak OilField Review: August 24

August 24, 2015 jasonspiess 0

Monday 8/24 Interview: Kyle Shobe, 2010 World Livestock Auctioneer Champion, PRCA Rodeo Announcer, Lewistown, MT Shobe reflects on the changes in the people and landscape in the Bakken and specifically New Town, his father’s hometown.

MonDak OilField Review: August 20

August 24, 2015 jasonspiess 0

Thursday 8/20 Interview: Kathleen Neset, owner, Neset Consulting, Tioga, ND Neset and host Jason Spiess talk about the media coverage of the Bakken and the facts of the shale play.  

MonDak OilField Review: August 17

August 23, 2015 jasonspiess 0

Monday 8/17 Interview: Michael Houge, real estate broker, MPS & Williston. Houge gives an update on the light commercial industry in the Bakken.  From sushi restaurants to steak houses to high end specialty shops.  Houge also talks about the importance of knowing whether the worker is planting roots in the […]

MonDak OilField Review: August 13

August 23, 2015 jasonspiess 0

Thursday 8/13 Interview: Steve Heins, Energy and regulatory Consultant Heins shares his views on how government is one of the biggest obstacles for energy plays today.  He contends their regulation creates uncertainty in the marketplace.  

MonDak OilField Review: August 12

August 23, 2015 jasonspiess 0

  Interview: David Williams, CEO, Missouri River Resources, MHA Nation & Three Affiliated Tribes Williams explains how a young professional can carve out their life path and dreams by committing yourself to several years of hard work in oil and gas.  

The Bakken’s next generation of people and developments

August 14, 2015 jasonspiess 0

Three years ago the only thing Brian Hymel knew about oil and gas was that combustion engines need it. Today, the 34-year-old Utah native is one of the largest real estate players in Southwestern North Dakota and participates in numerous oil and gas industry events. “It’s funny how we ended […]

Everything’s Refinery in Dickinson

August 14, 2015 jasonspiess 0

As some of you know I host a radio program called Building the Bakken and the MonDak OilField Review on a number of radio stations across the Upper Midwest.  Over the past several weeks I have been airing interviews from the Dakota Prairie Refinery grand opening in late June.  Listening […]

A Candid Conversation with Congressman Kevin Cramer

August 11, 2015 jasonspiess 0

U.S. Congressman Kevin Cramer may have the best seat in the house.  By house, I am referring to North Dakota’s economic future ready to explode once again. Only this time, the economic activity won’t be the surprise economic left hook of oil and gas, rather, a 1-2-3 punch from energy, […]

MonDak OilField Review: August 11

August 11, 2015 jasonspiess 0

  Tuesday 8/11 Interview: David Williams, CEO, Missouri River Resources, MHA Nation & Three Affiliated Tribes Williams talks about how working in oil and gas through his high school and college years shaped who he is today and how it helps fuel his desire to give back.

MonDak OilField Review: August 10

August 11, 2015 jasonspiess 0

Monday 8/10 Interview: US Senator Heidi Heitkamp (ND-D). Heitkamp discusses her disappointment with the latest EPA ruling and what North Dakota’s future options are in energy generation.

MonDak OilField Review: August 6

August 11, 2015 jasonspiess 0

  Thursday 8/6 Interview: Neil Amondson, founder, Hunter Light, Williston, ND. Talks about the genesis of Hunter Light and their unique business strategy in the oil patch.  

MonDak OilField Review: August 4

August 11, 2015 jasonspiess 0

Tuesday 8/4 Interview: Kathleen Neset, owner, Neset Consulting Services, Tioga, ND Gives her opinion on the crude oil export ban and how Congress should approach the issue.

MonDak OilField Review: July 31

August 5, 2015 jasonspiess 0

  Friday 7/31 Interview:  Kirsten Baesler, Superintendent ND Depart Public Instruction Baesler talks about a new piece of legislation that may partner schools with daycares in the Bakken.

Bridger-ing success across American shale plays

July 28, 2015 jasonspiess 0

Ever since Inc. magazine profiled Bridger as the fastest growing private energy company and the fourth fastest growing private company in 2013, I have been watching them somewhat close. This past July, Houston-based Bridger inked a deal with Monroe Energy for 65,000 barrels of daily domestic crude oil to its […]

MonDak OilField Review: July 23

July 23, 2015 jasonspiess 0

  Thursday 7/23 Interview: Robert Bryce, senior fellow, Manhattan Institute, Austin TX Gives his opinion on where the global LNG market is heading and how oil and foriegn countries will impact LNG.