Valves, sensors and coal

April 17, 2016 jasonspiess 0

Interview: Kevin Travis, Rotork Describes the new technology with oil valves and remote sensors. He also comments about how clean the coal industry has gotten since the 1980’s.

How oil and gas prepare for terror attacks

April 12, 2016 jasonspiess 0

As John Springsteen travels the country, he is often asked if he is related to Bruce Springsteen.  Springsteen still gets a chuckle of out it and sometimes he will even play along for a bit.  But eventually the truth comes out he is not related to the rock and roll […]

Helms gives four reasons oil prices are down

April 11, 2016 jasonspiess 0

Lynn Helms, director, North Dakota Department of Mineral Resources gives four reasons why oil prices are low right now in the Bakken. Helms admits this speed of the drop was unexpected, but as they digest the reality of the global energy play, the reasons for the drop are becoming more […]

Wind energy REAPs in the Bakken

April 11, 2016 jasonspiess 0

During a hearing of the U.S. Senate Agriculture Rural Development Subcommittee, Cris Somerville, President of Dakota Turbines, testified at the hearing about the work of the family-owned and operated company, which manufactures blades, alternator and power electronics for single-phase small wind systems. The company, which is ten years old, has […]

Industrial real estate in the Bakken

April 11, 2016 jasonspiess 0

In the world of commercial and industrial properties, Houge is seeing a change in the types of owners in the Bakken. “So I have two types of owners. Oil fields service companies that want to get those properties off their books and I have developers who are property owners who […]

Understanding vapor is to understand flat Coke

April 11, 2016 jasonspiess 0

There are some who argue that in the world of economics the world is flat. The wired world has made claims our collective consciousness is becoming flat. There was even a time when some have argued the actual physical world was flat. Today, this writer is suggesting the easiest way […]

Minot Adjust to the Bakken’s New Normal

April 6, 2016 jasonspiess 0

Interviews:  Alan Walter, Ward County Commissioner When looking at the city of Minot from a 5000-foot perspective, it is an interesting city. Much like Dickinson, it offers an urban environment in a very rural based economy.  Acting almost as a fulcrum for the eastern agriculture and western oil, Minot has […]

Tioga’s New Normal

April 6, 2016 jasonspiess 0

Interview: Todd Thompson, finance commissioner, Tioga, ND For many, Tioga is known as ground zero for the Bakken Three Forks oil play.  For others, it’s where Hess’s natural gas processing plant is.  Now that the “new ground zero” or “hot zone” has shifted around from Williston to Tioga to Stanley […]

Brooks West Talks About Making Money In Music

March 17, 2016 jasonspiess 0

The conversation dives into Brooks West’s career in the music industry. Host Jason Spiess and West discuss writing new songs, playing gigs, and the challenges of making money, particularly with streaming services. The two mention the popularity of house concerts as a way for musicians to connect with their audience […]

From Shale to Coal

March 16, 2016 jasonspiess 0

Interview: Kevin Travis, Rotork,  Liberty Township, OH 45011 Kevin Travis, Midwest Factory Store, Rotork, shares what his company is doing in the Bakken, other shale plays and coal plants.

Robert Michael, CEO, RC Michael Company

March 14, 2016 jasonspiess 0

Robert Michael, CEO and geologist, RC Michael Company and Consultants, Fort Collins, CO. R.C. Michael Company, Inc., offers a unique service which allows their clients to compete for and possess Oil and Gas Production Rights on public land on the same basis as multinational corporations. These relatively little-known programs are […]

The Crude Life Interview: Todd Morrison, CEO, Insight Environmental

March 9, 2016 jasonspiess 0

Todd Morrison is the founder and CEO of Insight Environmental.  Insight Environmental is a specialized environmental firm with a focus on Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR) that strongly emphasizes safety, integrity, and zero non-compliance. Insight was founded on our expertise in LDAR, and it remains our core service offering. Insight […]

Yellen Talks Commodity Prices

March 7, 2016 jasonspiess 0

  Interview: Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen Talks about commodity prices and how they are going to look in 2016.  She also gives an explanation of the dollar compared to commodity prices as the global economy expands.

Record birth rates in the Bakken

March 7, 2016 jasonspiess 0

  Interview: Shawn Kessel, City Administrator, Dickinson, ND Explains why many people from the recent oil boom have decided to stick around the area.  High birth rates, new schools, housing and awards are discussed.

NDSU President Dean Bresciani (Part 2 of 4)

February 15, 2016 jasonspiess 0

Dean Bresciani discusses the emerging Unmanned Aerial industry in North Daktoa.  He also shares the role North Dakota State will be participating in as well as the University of North Dakota. Dr. Dean L. Bresciani was named the 14th president of North Dakota State University (NDSU) on May 24, 2010, […]

The New Normal

February 14, 2016 jasonspiess 0

Interview:  Shawn Kessel, City Administrator, Dickinson, ND Talks about the “New Normal” in Dickinson.  He also gives an update on the commerce and housing situation in Dickinson.

Studying the Bakken roads

February 14, 2016 jasonspiess 0

Interview: Vicky Steiner, executive director, North Dakota Oil and Gas Producing Counties Discusses the road issues in the oil and gas producing counties and the study they are using for funding.    

The Beast of the East?

February 14, 2016 jasonspiess 0

Interview:Vicky Steiner, executive director, North Dakota Oil and Gas Producing Counties Discusses the East/West difference and the need for regional energy and economic education during low oil prices. She cites a recent study indicating the need for economic development in Western North Dakota.

Is the Bakken Running on Empty?

February 14, 2016 jasonspiess 0

Interview: Lynn Helms, director, North Dakota Department of Minerals, Bismarck, ND Helms recites some lyrics from Jackson Brown’s Running on Empty to describe many oil companies’ cash flow situation.

UAS Missions in ND and Arctic

February 14, 2016 jasonspiess 0

Interview: US Senator John Hoeven Objects to President Obama’s suggestion of a $10-barrel tax on oil.  Hoeven also talks about future Unmanned Aerial Systems or drone missions in North Dakota and the Arctic.  

NDSU President Dean Bresciani (Part 1 of 4)

February 12, 2016 jasonspiess 0

In this episode, Dean Bresciani and Jason Spiess discuss the Bakken Oil Field’s impact on the University system and economy.  Bresciani goes into detail about the economics and introduction of technology and research as new centers of innovation. Dr. Dean L. Bresciani was named the 14th president of North Dakota […]

Bakken out-of-towner leadership growing

February 7, 2016 jasonspiess 0

According to Deb Nelson, Vision West, Dickinson, ND, the Vision West consortium has grown since the Bakken slowdown and oil price drop.  Nelson said one of the big reasons for the growth is Vision West opened their membership doors to associate members.  Since then local, county and state agencies have […]

Bakken still needs child care, emergency services

February 7, 2016 jasonspiess 0

Deb Nelson, Vision West, Dickinson, ND, says the mood is much better now in 2016 than it was last year. Nelson says the downplay allowed them to look at their priorities and they are very much the same.  According to Nelson, the oil and gas producing counties still need transportation, […]

ND official says flaring up in Bakken

February 7, 2016 jasonspiess 0

According to Lynn Helms, director, North Dakota Department of Minerals, Bismarck, ND, there has been an increase in flaring from October to November. Helms said a large reason for this was a unique issue involving the sulfur treating equipment at the Tioga gas plant.  He said this caused a six […]

Helms sees staff reductions in ND

February 7, 2016 jasonspiess 0

Interview: Lynn Helms, director, North Dakota Department of Minerals, Bismarck, ND Helms gives an overview of the North Dakota Department of Mineral Resources staff additions and reductions over the past several years. During the peak of the drilling activity, the North Dakota Department of Mineral Resources was full staff with […]

Oil CEO sees $60 by year end

February 1, 2016 jasonspiess 0

In the recent episode of the MonDak OilField Review, Lynn Helms, director, North Dakota Department of Minerals, spoke of oil supply from the lease perspective. Helms said North Dakota is looking at about one year of leases, which is average for lead time.  Helms said industry tries to keep drilling […]

Trickle Down Bakken Economics

January 21, 2016 jasonspiess 0

Monday  1/18 Interview: Dr. Loren Scott, president, Loren Scott & Associates, Baton Rouge, LA. Dr. Scott explains how low oil prices end up trickling down from oil companies to the service companies.  

More M&A Activity in the Bakken?

January 21, 2016 jasonspiess 0

Wednesday 1/20 Interview: Robert Bryce, senior fellow, Manhattan Institute, Austin TX. Bryce explains why oil prices and other commodities will remain low for awhile – like copper, crude oil and steel.  Bryce also shares his opinion on North Dakota and the how the Bakken plays in the global economy.

Community Development Sound Bytes of 2015

January 16, 2016 jasonspiess 0

Through the process of capitalism fueled by energy development, communities are built, upgraded and sustained.  Here is a look back at some of the best sound bytes from 2015 on developing communities in the Bakken oil fields. On Community Development “I cannot thank everyone enough for participating in the 3rd […]