PULSE crops emerging in the Upper Midwest

June 3, 2016 jasonspiess 0

Interview: Roger Johnson, president, National Farmers Union Talks about the emerging PULSE crops (peas, lentil, chickpeas) in the United States and the PULSE processing plant being built in Minot, ND.   The current plans call for the largest PULSE plant in North America and possibly the world.  He also talks about […]

Large mineral auction in the Bakken

June 3, 2016 jasonspiess 0

Interviews: Lynn Helms, director, ND Department of Mineral Resources Shares his views and what energy companies are telling him on when the rigs will come back to the Bakken. Interview: Ron Ness, president, North Dakota Petroleum Council Explains why $60 oil tomorrow will not mean drilling until 2017 or 2018. […]

Business expanding in the Bakken despite low oil prices

June 3, 2016 jasonspiess 0

Interviews:  Tiffany Steiner & Jackie Schmidt, MBI Energy Services, Dickinson, ND Gives the details for the 4th Annual Bakken BBQ in June and talks about Pick Up the Patch and other community driver events. Interview: Jeremy Van Der Schaegen, Minnesota Limited Explains their business in the Bakken and how it […]

CNBC’s Sullivan comments on the Bakken’s new normal

May 31, 2016 jasonspiess 0

Part Three of multimedia journalist Jason Spiess’ interview with Brian Sullivan, “Power Lunch” Co-Anchor Jason Spiess: Same question. What was it like this go around?  Still $300 to $400 a night hotel rooms? What was the new normal? Brian Sullivan: I paid $129-a-night this time and it was in the […]

Sullivan: From peak oil to too much oil in a decade

May 30, 2016 jasonspiess 0

Part Two of multimedia journalist Jason Spiess’ interview with Brian Sullivan, “Power Lunch” Co-Anchor Jason Spiess: About June 2014 oil started hovering around $60 and the trend was showing a declining future rather than a rebound back to $100.  Oil companies started talking about future adjustments. I attended several annual […]

CNBC’s Sullivan recalls his first trip to the Bakken

May 29, 2016 jasonspiess 0

Part One of multimedia journalist Jason Spiess’ interview with Brian Sullivan, “Power Lunch” Co-Anchor Jason Spiess: Just so we can get some context for the interview.  Tell me about your first trip to the Bakken oil fields in North Dakota. Brian Sullivan:  First trip to North Dakota was 2013 when […]

India is the new China in energy

May 28, 2016 jasonspiess 0

Interviews: Lynn Helms, director, ND Department of Mineral Resources Explains why Iran is back in the news and why India is the new China.  He also runs through active rigs and trust land activity. Interview: Shawn Kessel, city administrator, Dickinson, ND Talks about the city’s $100M debt and how the […]

BBQ bravado in the Bakken

May 28, 2016 jasonspiess 0

Interviews:  Tiffany Steiner & Jackie Schmidt, MBI Energy Services, Dickinson, ND Gives the details for the 4th Annual Bakken BBQ in June and talks about Pick Up the Patch and other community driver events. Interview: David Williams, CEO, Missouri River Resources Talks about his days growing up playing high school […]

Rigs are STACKing up in this oil play

May 28, 2016 jasonspiess 0

Interview: Warren Henry, Continental Resources Explains the STACK play in Oklahoma and how it is the only play adding rigs over the past 6 months.  He also compares it to the Bakken oilfields and gives an update on Continental’s future in the Bakken.

Privacy and trespassing with drones

May 28, 2016 jasonspiess 0

Interviews:  Justin Miller, Drone Marketing Specialist, Launchboxx Privacy and trespassing with drones are discussed and whether a license will be needed one day.  Miller also talks about drone work with vineyards and how precision agriculture is benefiting from this emerging technology and industry.

National Farmers Union president says DEA is out of touch

May 28, 2016 jasonspiess 0

Interview: Roger Johnson, president, National Farmers Union, Washington DC Explains the emerging the hemp industry and the difficulty dealing with the DEA. Johnson also explains the difference between hemp and cannabis and how farmers would never plant the two in the same field as it would ruin and devalue both […]

The cost of cattle and calves

May 28, 2016 jasonspiess 0

Interviews: Bruce Crummy, owner, Bruce Crummy Photography, Fargo, ND Talks about how trade shows can be a big revenue generator or people just looking for free samples.  He also goes through price points and entry level items for sale. Interviews: Jacob Manly, owner/operator, Black Diamond Cattle Company, Wheatland, WY and […]

Chef to the Stars talks overcoming recessions

May 28, 2016 jasonspiess 0

Mentor and Apprenticeships Interview:  Thomas Hanlon, president, Rivera Restaurant Concepts, Las Vegas, NV Talks about his days working as a sous chef and the importance of understanding a kitchen in the restaurant business.  Hanlon also talks briefly about his national awards in culinary cuisine. Interview: US Senator Heidi Heitkamp Explains […]

More pipes and manufacturing means more welders needed

May 20, 2016 jasonspiess 0

Interview:  Michael Smith, Lynnes Welding Training, Bismarck and Fargo, ND Shares his insight on the welding industry and how there is a need for more welders.  With the increase in pipes, agriculture and manufacturing in the area, more certified welders are needed.

ND Oil Regulator: Cash is King

May 20, 2016 jasonspiess 0

Interviews: Lynn Helms, director, ND Department of Mineral Resources Gives an update on production numbers, flaring and rigs in the Bakken.  His theme for this interview is Cash is King. Interview: Amanda Person Cordes, paleontologist, Beaver Creak Archaeology Describes how industry works with landowners and Native Americans when is comes […]

NDSU president sees the Bakken as a long term resource play

May 20, 2016 jasonspiess 0

Interviews:  Tiffany Steiner & Jackie Schmidt, MBI Energy Services, Dickinson, ND Gives the details for the 4th Annual Bakken BBQ in June and talks about Pick Up the Patch and other community driver events. Interview: Dean Bresciani, president, North Dakota State University Talks about his time in Texas and shares […]

Oklahoma’s STACK oil play the only one adding rigs

May 20, 2016 jasonspiess 0

Interview: Warren Henry, Continental Resources There is a new oil play in America – The STACK.  Henry talks about hottest oil play in on shore drilling happening in Oklahoma.  According to Henry, the STACK is the only oil play that has added rigs in the past 6 months. Henry also […]

Update on major Bakken projects

May 20, 2016 jasonspiess 0

Interview:   Shawn Kessel, city administrator, Dickinson, ND Talks about his new upcoming role in the North Dakota Oil and Gas Producing Counties, an update on some major community projects in the region and when the oil activity will return to the Bakken.

Dickinson’s Kessel expanding his energy role

May 20, 2016 jasonspiess 0

One of the first people I met on a professional level in the Bakken oil fields was Dickinson city administrator Shawn Kessel.  The meeting was brief, as I was filing some paperwork with the city and Kessel was passing by in the hallway.  We chatted for no more than one […]

Drones documenting koala bears, waterfowl nest

May 20, 2016 jasonspiess 0

Interviews:  Justin Miller, Drone Marketing Specialist, Launchboxx Miller talks about their experience working on a project in Australia documenting koala bears and their habitat as well as an upcoming project in North Dakota with waterfowl nests.  The Drone Focus conference is discussed as well, happening June 1 in Fargo, ND.

How the feds deal with cannabis in Ohio

May 20, 2016 jasonspiess 0

Special Feature: The Cannabis Caucus 2016 Interview: Mary Jane Borden, president, Ohio Rights Group Talks about how Ohio has been a “cannabis decrim” state since 1976 and how that works with the federal government.  She also talks about the medicinal cannabis bills currently in the Ohio legislature. Special Feature: Mentor […]

The “beauty school drop out” stigma

May 20, 2016 jasonspiess 0

Interviews: Tiffany Olson and Ginae Holland, beauty industry Discuss the stigma of “beauty school drop out” in hair salons and stylists and compare their day to day work to a corporate executive.  The two also discuss the stress levels, additional product sales and freedoms of owning your own salon. Interviews: […]

Natural gas filling stations and cars are coming soon

May 20, 2016 jasonspiess 0

Interview:  Ronald Jibson, CEO and Chairman, Questar Corporation, Salt Lake City, UT Talks about the emerging natural gas market in the energy sector.  He also discusses how filling stations are being constructed in the western half of the US as well as companies adding LNG/CNG vehicles. Interview: Mark Speirs, professional […]

Williams County rigs down 98%

May 17, 2016 jasonspiess 0

Interview:  Lynn Helms, director, North Dakota Dept of Minerals Explains why rig counts are down 88% from the peak, with Williams County down 98%.  Helms said oil companies are using uncompleted wells and inactive wells as tools to manage their cash flow.