Temporary Housing Saves Money, Stress For Communities

February 9, 2023 jasonspiess 0

Oil and gas companies are among the most profitable industries in the world. They generate billions of dollars in revenue from their activities, and the benefits can be seen in the communities they operate in. But, with such a large presence comes the potential for negative effects on surrounding communities. […]

Ask The Crude Life: What is Midstream?

February 9, 2023 jasonspiess 0

Midstream is an essential stage of the oil and gas industry. It is the process of collecting, processing, transporting, and storing crude oil and natural gas from the production site to the refining site. This process is necessary for the production and consumption of oil and gas, and the midstream […]

How Polymers Are Cleaning Oil, Gas And The Planet

February 8, 2023 jasonspiess 0

Oil and gas production and refining are highly energy-intensive processes that can result in the release of large amounts of air, water, and land pollutants. To reduce the environmental impact of these processes, many oil and gas companies are turning to polymers, which are synthetic materials composed of large molecules […]

Oil And Gas Pipelines Continue To Reduce Global Emissions

February 8, 2023 jasonspiess 0

The oil and gas industry has come a long way in reducing emissions over the past two decades. From the construction of pipelines to the implementation of emission reduction strategies, the industry has made significant strides in reducing its environmental footprint. In this article, we will discuss the various ways […]

Petroleum Geology Critical In Modern Society

February 6, 2023 jasonspiess 0

Since the dawn of the industrial revolution, petroleum geology has been a critical factor in the development of modern society. It has made possible the global transportation network, the production of plastics, and the generation of energy. Petroleum geology is the study of the origin, composition, distribution, and production of […]

BBQ Adds The Right Spice To Energy Industry

February 2, 2023 jasonspiess 0

The oil and gas industry is no stranger to barbeque. In fact, barbeque is a time-honored tradition among oil and gas workers, especially in the United States. Whether it’s a cookout to celebrate a job well done, or just a way to relax after a long day on the job, […]

Sand Filtration Is Vital And Growing Fast

February 2, 2023 jasonspiess 0

The oil and gas industry is a rapidly growing industry that is of vital importance to the global economy. As such, it is essential to maintain high levels of safety and efficiency in order to ensure that production remains efficient and reliable. One of the most important aspects of any […]

The Crude Life Honors Black History Month

February 1, 2023 jasonspiess 0

February is Black History Month, a time for celebrating the significant contributions of African Americans to the history of the United States. From the civil rights movement to the fight for racial justice, African Americans have inspired and created a lasting impact on the nation. In recent years, the celebration […]

WY Advances Value Added Energy And Refinery Financing Bills

February 1, 2023 jasonspiess 0

Two energy related bills have passed step one in Wyoming – HB0190 and SF0154. HB0190 – Wyoming value added energy and industrial plan. SF0154 – Energy authority project financing-refineries. HB0190 is relating to the administration of government; creating the select committee on the Wyoming value added energy, economic development and […]

Western Energy Alliance, IPAA Caution BLM Not to Overstep Authority with Methane Rule

January 31, 2023 jasonspiess 0

Western Energy Alliance and the Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA) yesterday submitted comments to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) regarding the proposed rule on Waste Prevention, Production Subject to Royalties, and Resource Conservation. The associations urged the agency to implement targeted changes to portions of the proposed regulations on methane emissions that overstep the […]

Paraffin Critical To Efficient Operations In Oil Production

January 31, 2023 jasonspiess 0

Paraffin is a complex hydrocarbon derived from the distillation of crude oil. It is a type of wax, composed mainly of solid saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons, and is used in a variety of applications across many industries, including oil and gas. Paraffin is a key component in petroleum production, and its […]

Ask The Crude Life: What Is Downstream?

January 30, 2023 jasonspiess 0

Downstream in the oil and gas industry is the final stage of the production process, where crude oil and natural gas are processed, refined and distributed to consumers. The downstream component of the oil and gas industry includes activities such as refining, storage, transportation, and marketing of petroleum products, as […]

FR Clothing An Essential Element In Energy

January 29, 2023 jasonspiess 0

Fire resistant clothing is an essential component of safety for personnel in the oil and gas industry. It is designed to protect people from extreme heat, sparks, and other hazards. Fire resistant clothing is a critical component in the prevention of fires and explosions in the workplace. This article will […]

Oil and Gas Becoming Automated Much Like Coal

January 28, 2023 jasonspiess 0

The use of automation in the coal industry is becoming increasingly popular as more companies look to reduce the costs associated with manual labor and increase safety for their workers.  By applying automation to the coal industry, companies are able to benefit from the same advantages that oil and gas companies […]

Planet Service Announcement: Petroleum, Bathroom & Beyond

January 27, 2023 jasonspiess 0

The Earth’s Champion Johnny Green explain how the cell phone industry and social media are powered by petroleum.    After winning the The Earth’s Championship over Memorial Day weekend in 2019, Johnny Green and his Championship catchphrase “Renewables Ain’t Doable Without Fossil Fuelables” has been capturing carbon and collective consciousnesses […]

Fire Tubes Create Safer Oil And Gas Operations

January 27, 2023 jasonspiess 0

Oil and gas industries require a variety of equipment to ensure safe and efficient operations. Fire tubes are one such equipment that is widely used in these industries. Fire tubes are cylindrical pipes that are used to contain and transfer heat. They are used to heat various fluids, such as […]

Ask The Crude Life: What is Upstream?

January 26, 2023 jasonspiess 0

Upstream oil and gas production is the process of extracting and processing hydrocarbons from the earth’s subsurface for use as energy sources. Upstream activities encompass a wide range of activities, from exploration to production and processing, and include all steps from the first drilling of a well to the transfer […]

TrainND Foundation Opens Technical Training Scholarship

January 26, 2023 jasonspiess 0

The TrainND Foundation announced the opening of its first technical training scholarship in the amount of $1,000. The TrainND Foundation was developed in July 2022 with the goal to scholarship students seeking advanced training in the Commercial Driver’s License Program (CDL), Crane Program, Certified Nursing Assistant Program (CNA) and ASCENT […]

LNG Use Increasing At Well Sites

January 25, 2023 jasonspiess 0

Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) is a fossil fuel that has been used in the oil and gas industry for decades, and its use is increasing. It is produced by cooling natural gas to a liquid state, which makes it easier to store and transport. LNG is mainly used as a […]

Three Ways Artificial Intelligence Is Used In Oil And Gas

January 24, 2023 jasonspiess 0

The oil and gas industry is one of the most complex and capital-intensive industries in the world. It is essential for the world’s energy needs and is constantly evolving due to technological advances. One of the most powerful and transformative technologies currently shaping the oil and gas industry is Artificial […]

Bees Score An ‘A’ In Oilfield Reclamation

January 22, 2023 jasonspiess 0

Former University of Wyoming PhD student Mike Curran, Abnova Ecological Solutions, joined Jason Spiess to discuss innovation in energy reclamation. Curran examined 28 reclaimed well pads in the two Green River basin gas fields from 2015 to 2017. The first study, focused on the Anticline, found a surge of bug […]

Wireline Seeing Major Breakthroughs In Oil And Gas

January 22, 2023 jasonspiess 0

The use of wireline technology in oil and gas exploration has been a major breakthrough in the industry. It is a method which is used to perform several key functions such as measurement, logging and perforation. This article will explain in detail the use of wireline technology in the oil […]

Planet Service Announcement: Cellular Industry Powered By Petroleum

January 20, 2023 jasonspiess 0

The Earth’s Champion Johnny Green explain how the cell phone industry and social media are powered by petroleum.    After winning the The Earth’s Championship over Memorial Day weekend in 2019, Johnny Green and his Championship catchphrase “Renewables Ain’t Doable Without Fossil Fuelables” has been capturing carbon and collective consciousnesses […]

Well Sites Adding More Solar Energy

January 18, 2023 jasonspiess 0

As the world moves towards renewable energy sources, oil and gas companies are beginning to look for ways to reduce their environmental impact. One of the solutions that has emerged is the use of solar power at oil and gas well sites. Over the past several years, oil and gas […]

Water Recycling Innovations Continue In Energy Development

January 17, 2023 jasonspiess 0

Oil companies have often been criticized for their environmental impact, and the issue of water pollution has been a major source of concern. In recent years, however, oil companies have begun to take steps to reduce their environmental impact by using recycled water in their operations. This article will discuss […]