Meredith Talley Joins Valor as Director of Oil and Gas Services

May 12, 2023 jasonspiess 0

Valor, a Fort Worth-based specialty asset management company with expertise in providing mineral management solutions and oil and gas operator outsourcing, is pleased to announce that Meredith Talley, has been hired as the company’s new Director of Oil and Gas Services. Talley will focus on sales outreach, new client acquisitions, and other […]

Future Oklahoma Oil Activity Looks Promising

May 8, 2023 jasonspiess 0

According to the Oklahoma City Sentinel, there has been significant declines in natural gas prices and the downward trend of crude oil prices have taken their toll on Oklahoma’s oil and natural gas industry, however, increased industry activity is expected very soon. The most recent Oklahoma Energy Index (OEI) shows a 49.3% decline […]

iTankData Joins Talk of the Town to Discuss Automation in Energy

April 30, 2023 jasonspiess 0

It’s Wattage Wednesday on SuperTalk 1270AM Bismarck-Mandan’s Talk of the Town with Steve Bakken. Bobby Adkins and Stuart Schmidt of iTankData and joins The Crude Life’s founder Jason Spiess and Bakken during two segments of the 2-hour daily talk and news program. The four discuss the technology of the Bakken and other oil and gas basins across the United States. […]

Dallas Fed Says Oil and Gas Stalled Out in 1Q

April 13, 2023 jasonspiess 0

  Kunal Patel is a senior business economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas joins The Crude Life’s founder Jason Spiess for an update on the oil and gas activity in the 11th District, including the Permian Basin, Eagleford and Haynesville basins in Texas. Growth in the oil and gas sector stalled out in first quarter […]

TrainND Northwest Offers UAS, CNA and other Training Opportunities

April 9, 2023 jasonspiess 0

Kenley Nebeker, executive director of TrainND Northwest and president of the TrainND Foundation,  joins The Crude Life and ESG University founder Jason Spiess on KLXX 1270AM SuperTalk’s Talk of the Town with Steve Bakken to talk about the new non profit that legislators and UAS leaders to “promote autonomous efforts in the state”. the potential of unmanned aircraft systems […]

Moving Dirt in the Digital World

April 2, 2023 jasonspiess 0

The digital dirt world is here. Well, it’s been here for a while now, but it’s officially into heavy dirt work now. Whether your story or project begins on paper, it is more than likely going end up becoming digital. Once it’s digital, it does a much better job telling […]

PSA: Activists to Debut “How to Blow Up a Pipeline” Action Movie in America

April 2, 2023 jasonspiess 0

  How to Blow Up a Pipeline is a 2023 environmentalist action film directed by Daniel Goldhaber, who co-wrote the screenplay with Ariela Barer and Jordan Sjol. It relies on ideas advanced in Andreas Malm‘s 2021 book of the same name, published by Verso Books. It stars Barer, Kristine Froseth, Lukas Gage, Forrest Goodluck, Sasha Lane, Jayme Lawson, Marcus Scribner, Jake Weary and Irene Bedard. According to Wikipedia, Malm’s […]

Sinnott on March Madness, Spring Forward and Professional Changes

March 16, 2023 jasonspiess 0

Executive Coach Joe Sinnott of Witting Partners and host of The Energy Detox Podcast joined Jason Spiess to talk about expectations in March Madness, role players at work and an update on the Appalachian Marcellus Utica Basin. During the podcast and interview, the two start off by talking about the Big Dance known as March Madness.  […]

Oil and Gas Records $42.6B in Business for the Bakken in 2021

March 9, 2023 jasonspiess 0

The oil and gas industry in North Dakota remains a powerhouse for the state, accounting for more than $42.6 billion in gross business volume and $3.8 billion in state and local tax revenues in 2021, according to two studies highlighted today by Governor Doug Burgum, researchers from North Dakota State University […]

Celebrating Women In Energy: Women Owned Businesses Amping Up

March 9, 2023 jasonspiess 0

Every March since 1987, Congress and U.S. Presidents have designated March as Women’s History Month. This year, The Crude Life celebrates and honors their accomplishments and contributions in history with interviews and stories that center around women’s experiences in industry. The Crude Life believes women are vital in energy.  Today more than ever. […]

Celebrating Women In Energy: Daphne Senn and Corie Ereth, KLJ

March 8, 2023 jasonspiess 0

Every March since 1987, Congress and U.S. Presidents have designated March as Women’s History Month. This year, The Crude Life celebrates and honors their accomplishments and contributions in history with interviews and stories that center around women’s experiences in industry.The Crude Life believes woman are vital in energy.  Today more than ever. From […]

Celebrating Women In Energy: BP’s Marlette Dumas Energizing Energy

March 6, 2023 jasonspiess 0

Every March since 1987, Congress and U.S. Presidents have designated March as Women’s History Month. This year, The Crude Life celebrates and honors their accomplishments and contributions in history with interviews and stories that center around women’s experiences in industry. The Crude Life believes women are vital in energy.  Today more than […]

Celebrating Women In Energy: Trisha Curtis, PetroNerds

March 4, 2023 jasonspiess 0

Every March since 1987, Congress and U.S. Presidents have designated March as Women’s History Month. This year, The Crude Life celebrates and honors their accomplishments and contributions in history with interviews and stories that center around women’s experiences in industry. The Crude Life believes woman are vital in energy.  Today […]

Celebrating Women In Energy: Alma Cook, Cook Compliance Solutions

March 3, 2023 jasonspiess 0

Every March since 1987, Congress and U.S. Presidents have designated March as Women’s History Month. This year, The Crude Life celebrates and honors their accomplishments and contributions in history with interviews and stories that center around women’s experiences in industry. The Crude Life believes woman are vital in energy.  Today […]

Celebrating Women In Energy: Ashley McNamee, ESG

March 2, 2023 jasonspiess 0

Every March since 1987, Congress and U.S. Presidents have designated March as Women’s History Month. This year, The Crude Life celebrates and honors their accomplishments and contributions in history with interviews and stories that center around women’s experiences in industry. The Crude Life believes women are vital in energy.  Today […]

EVolution Hybrid: Why the Engine Matters

February 28, 2023 jasonspiess 0

In the fourth part of this series following EVolution Hybrid, a project integrating a traditional semi truck with a combustion engine with a EV battery and electric vehicle technology we get an update on the engine features, roadblocks and successes. In this exclusive interview with Levi Perkins, Perkins Electric Innovation, […]

Smart Phones Know They Are Powered By Petroleum

February 27, 2023 jasonspiess 0

The supply chain of a cell phone is a complex system of suppliers, manufacturers, and distributors that are all essential to providing consumers with the product they desire. As a result of its complexity, any disruption in the supply of components, materials, or services can have a dramatic effect on […]

TrainND Northwest Launches Safety Leadership Program

February 25, 2023 jasonspiess 0

TrainND Northwest launches a new offering to the local workforce through development of a Safety Leadership Program. This workshop-style training establishes a baseline of importance in a company’s safety culture. It was built on the idea of safety leadership by exploring the power of choice, the impact of bias, and by […]

PVC Pipes Have Many Uses, Resistant To Corrosion

February 21, 2023 jasonspiess 0

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is one of the most widely used plastics in the world today. It is a versatile, low-cost material that has many applications, including pipe and tubing, window frames, flooring, and roofing. PVC is also commonly used in medical and industrial applications, as well as for packaging and […]

Planet Service Announcement: Food Trucks Powered By Petroleum

February 19, 2023 jasonspiess 0

The Earth’s Champion Johnny Green explains how food trucks are powered by petroleum.    After winning the The Earth’s Championship over Memorial Day weekend in 2019, Johnny Green and his Championship catchphrase “Renewables Ain’t Doable Without Fossil Fuelables” has been capturing carbon and collective consciousnesses all over the United States. […]

Deep Well Service Is Hiring 150 New Employees Right Now

February 19, 2023 jasonspiess 0

Mark Marmo, CEO of Deep Well Services is hiring 150+ employees right now. We are talking rookies to admin positions to experienced veterans. Deep Well Services (DWS) is an API/Q2 registered technology and training company that specializes in high-pressure, long lateral, and multi-well completion and workover operations. Established in 2008, the DWS […]

With Frac Sand, Size Matters

February 16, 2023 jasonspiess 0

Frac sand is a highly specialized type of sand used in the oil and gas industry for hydraulic fracturing, also known as “fracking.” It has unique physical and chemical characteristics which enable it to withstand immense pressure during the fracking process and to create fracture pathways in the underground rock […]

The Seven Wonders of Oil Separation

February 15, 2023 jasonspiess 0

Oil separation is a process of separating oil from water or other liquids. The process is used in a variety of industries, such as the petroleum refining, chemical manufacturing, and food processing industries. Oil separation is a critical component of many industrial processes, as it ensures the cleanliness of product […]

Oil Companies Recycling Water, Reducing Carbon Footprint

February 13, 2023 jasonspiess 0

With the increased pressures of global warming, the need for oil and gas companies to more transparent and public about their reductions of environmental waste has become more important than ever. One of the most effective ways oil and gas companies can reduce their carbon footprint is to use water […]

The Podcast Powered By Love

February 11, 2023 jasonspiess 0

The Executive Coach to Real Life Rock Stars and host of The Energy Detox Podcast, Joe Sinnott, Witting Partners, helps host Jason Spiess through a podcast of love.  Sinnott and Spiess discuss how show the love at work, at home and to yourself. The two also discuss why you love your work or your […]