Culture Clashes, Good Old Boys Network and Energy Area Codes

The Crude Life
The Crude Life
Culture Clashes, Good Old Boys Network and Energy Area Codes

Justin Dodd, NRG Realty Group, gives an update from the energy real estate sector. Dodd explains where he is seeing spikes in West Texas as well as some activity in other pockets throughout Shale Play USA.

Dodd, shares his family history in oil and gas and how his family advised him to follow a path away from the uncertainty of oil and gas. Dodd continues explaining how the combination of real estate and energy development was too strong of a siren song to resist.

The interview transitions into the root of capitalism and how the oil and gas industry seems to embrace opportunity rather than enable entitlement. Both Dodd and host Jason Spiess suggest there is powerful encroachments to opportunity with more government regulation and subsidies.

The Area Code marketing movement was also used as a platform to discuss minor marketing tricks and tips used to suggest a company was local or in state, rather than a “carpet-bagger” or “out of state” company. Both Spiess and Dodd suggest that most used those little tricks ten years ago, but with globalization rushing into Shale Play USA, area codes and PO Boxes are not as important.

The interview also talks about the new generation of oil and gas professionals who are taking on leadership roles without a background in industry.

The Crude Life Podcast can be heard every Monday through Thursday with a Week in Review on Friday.

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