U.S. Secretary of Energy Responds to Cramer Inquiry on Hydraulic Fracturing Research

The Crude Life
The Crude Life
U.S. Secretary of Energy Responds to Cramer Inquiry on Hydraulic Fracturing Research

BISMARCK, N.D. – U.S. Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz has responded to an inquiry made by Congressman Kevin Cramer last week at a hearing of the U.S. House Science, Space and Technology Committee. Cramer asked about the status of a research plan due to Congress over a year ago. An interagency working group to coordinate and plan agency research on unconventional oil and natural gas attained from hydraulic fracturing was announced in April 2012.

After announcing the group two years ago, the Obama Administration has missed repeated deadlines while spending taxpayer dollars in presenting its research plan to Congress. During the hearing, Moniz seemed unfamiliar with the commitment to Congress but confirmed the group is “very active” and told the Congressman he would look into the issue. Today Cramer said he received a response from Moniz indicating the report is in process and he is hopeful for a release in the next few months.

“I am pleased Secretary Moniz responded to my request and will continue to press his department to meet deadlines and make more information available. It is concerning agencies take so long to release even a plan to research issues while simultaneously drafting their rules. Expanded production of unconventional oil and natural gas resources in North Dakota and throughout the United States is already providing benefits and I’d hate to see its full potential diminished because rules got ahead of research,” said Cramer.

Video of Cramer questioning Moniz at last week’s hearing is available here.

Press release provided by US Congressman Kevin Cramer

Author: jasonspiess

The Crude Life Clothing

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