Carbon Conversations and Crude Connections Happening in Kansas

The Crude Life
The Crude Life
Carbon Conversations and Crude Connections Happening in Kansas

Warren Martin believes everyone should understand oil a little bit more. Gas too. Even Carbon and Helium. Martin is a man on a mission to educate the masses on natural resources and how they are critical to our lifestyle and quality of life.

“Our job is to teach people what we do, how we do it, why we do it, why it’s important to you, why it matters for our future,” Martin said. “And so we do that through a variety of ways. We do that through education, going into schools, doing presentations, helping teachers explain to students the importance of the oil and gas industry in their current lives.”

Martin, who is the executive director for Kansas Strong, continued listing off a few places he’s been in the past several months educated the masses.

“We do that through education, going into schools, doing presentations, helping teachers explain to students the importance of the oil and gas industry in their current lives,” Martin said. “We do that through doing that in the communities, going into Lions Clubs, Rotaries, Kiwanis, all those social clubs and doing presentations there as well.”

Martin said there are major events Kansas Strong sponsors in order to brand the industry to everyday folk going to a college football game or high school basketball game.

“We utilize those opportunities just to get the word out about how important oil and gas is here in Kansas,” Martin said. “We produce oil here in Kansas in 89 out of the 105 counties. And so it is a vital part of our industry here. We’re consistently ranked in the top industries in the state.”

Martin added that the University of Kansas did a study a few years ago that showed that if you looked at the jobs in the state the majority of the jobs are dependent upon the oil and gas industry.

“We provide about 118,000 jobs here in the state,” Martin said. “So it’s a significant part of Kansas.”

Martin continued explaining why Kansas and the oil and gas industry are connected to the rest of the nation in a variety of ways.

“We only have one major oil company that works here in the state on the production side,” Martin said. ‘We have a lot of pipelines, we have refineries, midstream, downstream. We have a lot of those consumers that are big oil companies that are here.”

He continued breaking down the reasons why Kansas energy is at the heart of the nation.

“On the production side of it, we only have one major oil company that does any real production here in the state,” Martin said. “The rest of the state are those independent producers that are out there that are producing that oil, which really makes Kansas a battleground state, specially when it comes to the methane issues that we’re talking about in the oil industry right now.”

Martin also discussed the orphan and abandoned well issue.

“So what we had here in Kansas and have here in Kansas is we have a scenario where you have legacy wells that are 80, 100 years old that have been drilled into the ground but have never been properly plugged,” Martin said. “They’re labeled as orphaned or abandoned wells on the register. And they’re really a problem.”

The state, federal government and energy companies have been working together on fixing the issue at hand.

“They’re a problem for people who want to buy a lease because they don’t want to take on the obligation of these abandoned wells that are on that lease that are a problem for property owners who want to buy property but have an abandoned well on that property.” Martin said. “And so the federal government and the state have been a part of this program for the past two years to really go out and plug a vast number of those abandoned wells and get those taken care of and get them off of the books.”

He added that plugging these wells are opening up opportunities for landowners to use their property in ways they could not while an orphan or abandoned well was unplugged.

So that’s been a really, really good thing in in the oil industry. As you know, diversification has always been the key,” Martin said. “It’s a boom and bust economy. Companies are always looking to diversify.”

Special Bonus MOVIE REVIEW on MAD MAX included in podcast:


“I think (using) Peak Oil is what they intended and I think they failed miserably because on the one hand, they start out the movie and they show basically exactly all wars are taking place due to oil,” Martin said. “And let’s be honest, we have fought wars over oil and wars have been dependent upon oil. I mean, that is one thing that makes Kansas the most historic state when it comes to World War One.”

Martin continued his movie review.

“During World War I, Stapleton No. 1 was hit in 1915. And when Stapleton No. 1 was hit, it started an oil boom that took place here,” Martin said. “Between 1915 and 1919, one county in Kansas, Butler County, Kansas, where I live in El Dorado, one county in Kansas produced 9% of the world’s oil, not 9% of Kansas, not 9% of America, 9% of the world’s oil.”

He added more historical context on why Kansas was one of the major contributors to World Peace using oil and gas resources.

“And literally, you can look at World War I in a lot of different ways, but it came down to whichever side ran out of oil first lost,” Martin said. “And that 9% of oil that was found in Butler County put the Allies over the top and led us to outlasting the Germans when it came to oil production and being able to fight that battle.”


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Author: jasonspiess

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