Year In Review: ClearSign Technologies Ribbon Cutting, Zeeco CEO Supports Move

Every December, The Crude Life looks back at some of the year’s best highlights, personality profiles and news nuggets of note.  This year, the Year In Review enters it’s 10th year.  Here is today’s feature with The Crude Life Content News Correspondent Ken Lavin who was Live and Local in Tulsa for the ClearSign Technologies Corp. ribbon cutting and press conference.

The reason for the event was to recognize ClearSign Technologies’ moving its headquarters from Seattle to Tulsa.

Ken Lavin spoke with their CEO Jim Deller about the big move after the ceremony and celebration.  The CEO of Zeeco Inc, Darton Zink, also joined the interview to discuss synergies in energy innovation.

Lavin asked the two CEOs what their company’s respective plans are for 2022, to which Deller said 2022 was about bringing all their research and technology into commercializing and implementing it into the oil and gas industry.  Zink said Zeeco will support that commercialization.

“We are gearing up to support the commercialization of ClearSign,” Zink said. “We’ve followed their technology for a long time and have been working in a collaboration agreement officially since August 2020 and we look forward to supporting their efforts to commercialize in what I in my view is a unique and interesting technology.”

The conversation transitioned into how industry needs to speed up their acceptance of new technologies.  From ESG to political pressures, there’s a litany of reasons for industry to start adopting more energy innovations.

“The industry needs to get behind supporting new and developing technologies,” Zink said.  “We are in an industry that by necessity has historically been conservative when it has come to adopting new technologies but with company’s ESG initiatives and ever mounting pressure on environmental compliance, I think the willingness to embrace technological changes will be critical.”

Deller agreed with Zink regarding cleaner technologies and emission management innovations.

“We need to remember that while there is a big focus on carbon monoxide and the efficiencies of hydrogen, the other emissions lost are very toxic and we do need to keep aware of that,” Deller said.   “Really as an industry we have to try new things, have to get better and we’ve go to be flexible when trying new things.”

ClearSign is a provider of industrial combustion and sensing technologies designed to improve energy efficiency and reduce emissions.

Zeeco is a global leader in the design, engineering and manufacture of next-generation combustion equipment and advanced environmental systems. Our equipment plays mission-critical roles in the refining, production, power, LNG, biogas, pharmaceutical, pulp and paper, and numerous other industries around the world.

“Tulsa is the epicenter of the global high-tech combustion industry, with a highly skilled workforce, and where leaders in the industry like our partner Zeeco, Inc. are based,” Deller said for a pre-interview social media quote. “We have been steadily growing our presence in Tulsa and plan to continue to expand with new hires and increased collaboration with our partners and suppliers.”

The Oklahoma Department of Commerce awarded ClearSign an incentive through the Oklahoma 21st Century Quality Jobs Act program.

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Award winning interviewer and broadcast journalist Jason Spiess and Content Correspondents engage with the industry’s best thinkers, writers, politicians, business leaders, scientists, entertainers, community leaders, cafe owners and other newsmakers in one-on-one interviews and round table discussions.

The Crude Life has been broadcasting on radio stations since 2012 and posts all updates and interviews on The Crude Life Social Media Network.

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Sponsors, Music and Other Show Notes 

Studio Sponsor: The Industrial Forest

The Industrial Forest is a network of environmentally minded and socially conscious businesses that are using industrial innovations to build a network of sustainable forests across the United States.

Click here for the website

Weekly Sponsor:  Stephen Heins, The Practical Environmentalist

Historically, Heins has been a writer on subjects ranging from broadband and the US electricity grid, to environmental, energy and regulatory topics.

Heins is also a vocal advocate of the Internet of Everything, free trade, and global issues affecting the third of our planet that still lives in abject poverty.

Heins is troubled by the Carbon Tax, Cap & Trade, Carbon Offsets and Carbon Credits, because he questions their efficacy in solving the climate problem, are too gamable by rent seekers, and are fraught with unreliable accounting.

Heins worries that climate and other environmental reporting in the US and Europe has become too politicized, ignores the essential role carbon-based energy continues to play in the lives of billions, demonizes the promise and practicality of Nuclear Energy and cheerleads for renewable energy sources that cannot solve the real world problems of scarcity and poverty.

Click here for website

Weekly Sponsor:  Great American Mining Co

Great American Mining monetizes wasted, stranded and undervalued gas throughout the oil and gas industry by using it as a power generation source for bitcoin mining. We bring the market and our expertise to the molecule. Our solutions make producers more efficient and profitable while helping to reduce flaring and venting throughout the oil and gas value chain.

Click here for website

Join Podcasters from across the world and all walks of life as they unite to bring civil solutions to life and liberty.

Phone Line Sponsor:  The United Podcast Of America

Studio Email and Inbox Sponsor: To Be Announced

Featured MusicAlma Cook

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Author: jasonspiess

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