Western Energy Alliance and the Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA) yesterday submitted comments to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) regarding the proposed rule on Waste Prevention, Production Subject to Royalties, and Resource Conservation. The associations urged the agency to implement targeted changes to portions of the proposed regulations on methane emissions that overstep the authority granted by Congress and reminded officials of the successful legal challenges to a similar rule in 2016.
“BLM can regulate waste of methane, but it does not have the authority to regulate air quality. The Clean Air Act gives that authority to EPA and the states, as affirmed by a federal court in striking down a similar rule from the Obama Administration. BLM makes some of the same mistakes in this rule as in the rule we successfully overturned,” said Kathleen Sgamma, president of Western Energy Alliance. “In collaboration with universities and regulators, our members continue to advance technologies such as remote sensing and airborne detection with satellites, aircraft, and drones to more quickly detect and fix methane leaks in the field. This continual innovation has enabled the American oil and natural gas industry to decrease methane emissions by 23% since 1990, even as oil and natural gas production have increased 49% and 71%, respectively.”
“This rule, which infringes on jurisdiction held by the EPA, is being hastily run through the process and impeding our ability to ascertain the true impact to our membership,” said Jeff Eshelman, IPAA president and CEO. “IPAA believes the rule still contains a lot of ambiguity with Waste Minimization Plans, which could lead to problems issuing applications for permit to drill (APDs) as well as hidden costs that would greatly impact the small businesses we represent. This rule process has been poorly managed, and we hope the BLM recognizes some of the flaws in the rule as highlighted by our joint comments.”
Regulatory and Litigation Timeline:
- In November 2016, the Obama Administration issued a Waste Prevention Rule that went into effect January 17, 2017, three days before Donald Trump became president. The Alliance and IPAA immediately challenged the rule in the District Court of Wyoming. That challenge was joined by the states of Montana, North Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.
- In September 2018, the Trump administration finalized a revision rule that focused on BLM’s authority to regulate waste under the Mineral Leasing Act and removed the provisions of the 2016 rule that were literally copied and pasted from EPA Clean Air Act regulation. Environmental groups and the states of California and New Mexico challenged the Trump rule in the Northern District of California.
- In July 2020, the California court overturned the Trump revision rule, ordering the 2016 rule to go into effect in October 2020. The Alliance and IPAA joined the American Petroleum Institute (API) and the government in appealing that ruling to the Ninth Circuit Court.
- In response, the Alliance, IPAA, Montana, North Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming restarted the case against the 2016 rule in the U.S. District Court for Wyoming, which had been put on hold when the 2018 revision rule was finalized. In 2020, the court vacated the 2016 waste prevention rule, stating it unlawfully granted air quality authority to BLM.
About Western Energy Alliance
Western Energy Alliance represents 300 companies engaged in all aspects of environmentally responsible exploration and production of oil and natural gas in the West. Alliance members are independents, the majority of which are small businesses with an average of fourteen employees. Learn more at www.WesternEnergyAlliance.org.
About the Independent Petroleum Association of America
The Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA) is a national upstream trade association representing thousands of independent oil and natural gas producers and service companies across the United States. Independent producers develop 91 percent of the nation’s oil and natural gas wells. These companies account for 83 percent of America’s oil production, 90 percent of its natural gas and natural gas liquids (NGL) production, and support over 4.5 million American jobs. Learn more about IPAA by visiting www.ipaa.org and following @IPAAaccess on Twitter.
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About The Crude Life
Award winning interviewer and broadcast journalist Jason Spiess and Content Correspondents engage with the industry’s best thinkers, writers, politicians, business leaders, scientists, entertainers, community leaders, cafe owners and other newsmakers in one-on-one interviews and round table discussions.
The Crude Life has been broadcasting on radio stations since 2012 and posts all updates and interviews on The Crude Life Social Media Network.
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#thecrudelife promotes a culture of inclusion and respect through interviews, content creation, live events and partnerships that educate, enrich, and empower people to create a positive social environment for all, regardless of age, race, religion, sexual orientation, or physical or intellectual ability.
Sponsors, Music and Other Show Notes

Studio Sponsor: The Industrial Forest
The Industrial Forest is a network of environmentally minded and socially conscious businesses that are using industrial innovations to build a network of sustainable forests across the United States.
Weekly Sponsor: Stephen Heins, The Practical Environmentalist
Historically, Heins has been a writer on subjects ranging from broadband and the US electricity grid, to environmental, energy and regulatory topics.
Heins is also a vocal advocate of the Internet of Everything, free trade, and global issues affecting the third of our planet that still lives in abject poverty.
Heins is troubled by the Carbon Tax, Cap & Trade, Carbon Offsets and Carbon Credits, because he questions their efficacy in solving the climate problem, are too gamable by rent seekers, and are fraught with unreliable accounting.
Heins worries that climate and other environmental reporting in the US and Europe has become too politicized, ignores the essential role carbon-based energy continues to play in the lives of billions, demonizes the promise and practicality of Nuclear Energy and cheerleads for renewable energy sources that cannot solve the real world problems of scarcity and poverty.
Look at what’s happened to me.
I can’t believe it myself.
Suddenly I’m down at the bottom of the world.
It should have been somebody else
Believe it or not, I’m walking on air.
I never thought I could feel so free-e-e.
Barterin’ away with some wings at the fair
Who could it be?
Believe it or not it’s just me
The Last American Entrepreneur
Click here of The Last American Entrepreneur’s website

Studio Email and Inbox Sponsor: The Carbon Patch Kids
The Carbon Patch Kids are a Content Story Series targeted for Children of All Ages! In the world of the Carbon Patch Kids , all life matters and has a purpose. Even the bugs, slugs, weeds and voles.
The Carbon Patch Kids love adventures and playing together. This interaction often finds them encountering emotional experiences that can leave them confused, scared or even too excited to think clearly!
Often times, with the help of their companions, the Carbon Patch Kids can reach a solution to their struggle. Sometimes the Carbon Patch Kids have to reach down deep inside and believe in their own special gift in order to grow.
The caretakers of Carbon Patch Kids do their best to plant seeds in each of the Carbon Patch Kids so they can approach life’s problems with a non-aggressive, peaceful and neighborly solution.
Carbon Patch Kids live, work and play in The Industrial Forest.
Click here for The CarbonPatchKids’ website

Featured Music: Alma Cook
Click here for Alma Cook’s music website
Click here for Alma Cook’s day job – Cook Compliance Solutions
For guest, band or show topic requests, email studio@thecrudelife.com
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