Working Dogs See More Opportunity In Energy

The Crude Life
The Crude Life
Working Dogs See More Opportunity In Energy

Dwayne Farris of Black Creek K-9 Pipeline Leak Detection joins Jason Spiess for an update on working dogs within industry.  Farris talks about the different types of dogs doing a variety of work for oil and gas operators, as well as others.

Farris gives an overview of how their dogs detect leaks in pipelines, including the science behind the scent, as well as why these canine workers may be a bit different than other employees.

“Our relationship (with the dogs) is definitely two fold, and yes they are our working dogs and our business,” Farris said. “So without them we are not able to do the things we say we can do in business, but also they are incorporated within our family unit.”

In addition to pipeline leak detection, BCK9 also offers drug, narcotic and weapon detection for companies and organizations.

Marketing with animals is also discussed in the interview.  Spiess gives an overview of his stray dog FracleBerry Hound, who essentially is a mascot for The Crude Life for public events and travel, and why he feels the need to treat his canine like a human.

“I actually register FracleBerry Hound at trade shows, speak to the organizer ahead of time, have third party approved DNA/Behavioral Test results and also provide three references from past trade shows about the behavior and demeanor of FracleBerry,” Spiess said.  “With actual working dogs and service animals, I wanted to get ahead of anyone outside of that space abusing canine privileges in public.  All it takes is one misunderstood or an abuse of power incident for zero tolerance policies to surface.”

Farris continues the conversation with dogs, marketing and public appearances.  He continuously reminds the listener through his language that these animals are still workers and it is a business.

Farris’ military background is also folded into the conversation.

“I had the fortunate paths cross of canine work and military while in the Marines and I competed and got selected and that’s what started the journey,” Farris said.

Understanding the skills of the canine and working ethics of a dog was something Farris found remarkable and totally understands why Hollywood has gotten on the Military Dog angle the past decade as a way to connect a military brand to the average person.

“Even in movies today you can see how they’ve gone towards telling the story of these dogs,” Farris said. “A lot of that is trying to capture memorable events for military or service members with working dogs.”

Even the working dogs are now essential workers in the World of COVID.

“We are in such an age with detection dogs, having biological detection dogs.  We know have COVID detection dogs that organizations are using for protections and screening,” Farris said.

“We offer firearm and narcotic searches to the industry and been doing it now for about seven or eight years now,” Farris said. “Everything from onshore to your drill and frac and mancamps to executive offices, you name it. We’ve done some offshore rigs too.”

Farris describes how operators will fly him and his dogs out to an off shore well site in order to run searches and work.  However, not everyone in the world is excited to see dogs all the time.

“Obviously when you get off a helicopter and you’ve got a couple canines and some handlers doing some searches it definitely makes the environment and the people tighten up a bit and lets them know the company is serious about zero tolerance,” Farris said.

Black Creek K-9 Pipeline Leak Detection is a disabled veteran owned business in north Texas servicing the K-9 industry with pipeline leak detection, detection services, dog training and consulting.  More specific services also include pipeline leak detection, narcotic, explosive, bedbug, firearms, custom dog training.

Author: jasonspiess

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