Aaron Jordan, Black Water Environmental, explains why the word “environmental” is used in their name. Jordan also gives an update from the Powder River Basin.
Jordan has seen growth in Wyoming, North Dakota, Kansas and Colorado, and currently their company is hiring. The topic of how everyday ordinary people are becoming disconnected with energy by the light switch in the same way supermarkets disconnected the farmer from food.
“…back to our environmental aspect we’ve completely got away from coal slag blasting materials just because of a silica level and the lead and the copper and the things that are in it. So we’ve switched completely to a garnet-based blasting material and it’s more environmentally safe, it’s better for the employees, better for everybody in the area. We’re in a pretty good flow of moving into BOC free materials for coatings, so here we work really close to our vendors to help with customers who are looking for specialty coatings…”
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