In this exclusive interview with Lynn Helms, director, North Dakota Department of Mineral Resources, host Jason Spiess and Helms discuss a number of important topics impacting the Bakken.
The interview starts out with a Year in Review of different areas of the Bakken including crude oil, natural gas, energy infrastructure and reclamation. Helms also talks about some research happening that may impact every one of the discussion points above.
The conversation then transitions into the reinvention of business plans. The oil and gas industry reinvented how they produce oil, the media industry is still reinventing their business model and the two discusses whether it was time for leadership to reinvent their business model. How they lead in the 21st Century.
Other topics of interest from the Weekly Bakken Get Together with Jason Spiess and Lynn Helms:
- Natural gas out producing oil
- An upcoming lag in production to offset some low oil prices
- The global energy industry, exporting oil to developing countries
- The current state of the Bakken’s job market
The state of the Bakken job market is new information to the oil and gas community. Spiess point blanked asked Helms about a rhetorical situation in the Bakken and whether it was true or not – “if I am hearing you correctly, there are some 12,000 jobs in North Dakota right now and if North Dakotans do not fill those positions or people from Texas, Oklahoma or wherever from the US, that nice man in Ghana with his family will be taking that job once his papers are in order.” Helms replied, “Yes…”
This is a must watch and listen interview for anyone impacted by the oil and gas industry. Major changes are happening that will impact lifestyles, cultures and the overall way of life.